Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Marjan Baričič, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jernej Petrovčič - Jerko, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Maksim Igor Košir - Ičo, Teja Čeru, Simona Žagar, Marjan Juvan - Manč and Tomaž Planina.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017, except 34845 where the credits go to Maksim Igor Košir - Ičo.
34837. What used to be just a support for the kitchen sink now got legs and doors to become a proper kitchen cabinet. Installation, performed by Žan and Marjan, took place past Saturday.
34835. Mid-morning snack: cooked spelt, curd, garlic, maize bread, plum jam, aronia juice - close view ...
34836. ... and wider view, augmented by sweets, some brought by Brajko, plus bread, cheese, chocolate ... and even the spirit from the land of the brave, north of the river Tweed, labelled finest: soft, sweet and complex.
34838. Ičo, tireless at firewood splitting
34839. Mare and Ile at the rope, waiting for another bucket to be filled.
34840. Now they are hauling it out ...
34842. ... pull by pull.
34841. Here it is ... Mare will detach it from the rope ...
34843. ... and Ile empties it on the pile. Today it was 68 buckets in all.
34844. Žan is planting another beech seedling, Ičo and Jerko are in the background.
34845. Klok helped with watering just planted seedlings.
34846. Modrc, returning from the cave, and Ile
34847. Jerko is digging a hole for a new seedling, Žan is waiting with the watering can.
34848. Potatoes on Ičo's barbecue
34849. Simona, Teja and Ile
34850. Planting goes on - Jerko and Žan.
34851. Two are smiling - Simona at the door and Tomaž on the freshly rearranged bulletin board.
34852. Marjan also returned from the cave duty.
34853. Meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, ripeča zlatica in Slovenian, went from one bloom to many since past week.
34854. The sun was high today and rock strata along the main crack were indirectly, but quite well illuminated.
34856. Possible continuation in the center of the previous picture was blocked by debris brought by high waters.
34855. Diagonal strata towards the passage which connects the cave with Žanova jama cave
34857. Cave's main entrance, an Unica river sinkhole from the Babni dol valley, was blocked by about 1 m3 of grass, wood branches and other debris left by high waters.
34859. Žan borrowed Klok a pick and after a while the sufficient amount of debris was removed, the door could be opened.
34858. What was removed was dry on the surface but very wet and muddy below - including an earthworm of solid build ...
34860. ... and this, much more lovely snail shell.
34861. After the entrance the tunnel, partly natural, partly artificial, descends towards the cave bottom - view out.
34862. View of the syphon which leads to Žanova jama cave.
34864. The cave has quite a few more interesting features but the entrance clearing took its time, Radošca was waiting and so more pictures will have to wait until the next occasion.
On return the sun travelled far enough on its sky trajectory to reach the entrance tunnel at an ever more favourable angle. In the picture - jumping-jaguar-shaped light pattern on the wall, some 10 meters from the entrance.
34867. A tiny sun ray developed into a sizeable beam that cascaded down the entrance tunnel. When will it reach its climax? Who could tell?
34868. Lunch: vegetable stew with pork, sliced cooked beetroot, bread, plum jam, hot water
34869. Jerko, Žan, Mare, Gregor and Metod at the table, discussing further Radošca options - will the situation really move from Stalingrad-type stalemate to Verdun-style position war or will the direction of the tunnel change soon from inclined to more difficult but also more promising vertical one, as several indices suggest?
34870. The passage to the mysterious triangular shadow is no more - but a new continuation, center right, opened up.
34873. First peek into it ...
34872. ... and a better one, which revealed a miniature chamber some 25 cm deeper, with even narrower meander continuation center right.
34876. Manč had other obligations during the day but nevertheless came to greet friends in the evening.
34875. Sunset
To the North and to the East of Mt. Slivnica, March 25 Medvedjak Cave, April 1 -->
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on April 1, 2017; date of last change: April 9.