Primož Jakopin, photo diary

To the North and to the East of Mt. Slivnica
So Close, So Far Away

March 25, 2017, 24 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The English name of winter heath in the picture 34800 was found by Adrian Wilkins.

All the pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2017.




34770. View of her grandmother's (mother's side) native village from the west-northwest



34774. Spring gentian, Gentiana verna, spomladanski svišč in Slovenian



34775. There are quite a few now abandoned narrow field plots (njiva in Slovenian) on the man-made slope terraces above the village.



34776. Dry grass on such a terrace



34777. Village entrance, main road from the west



34778. Chapel at the village entrance



34779. View of the chapel interior through the window, foggy because of condensation



34780. Center of the village with the old village spring



34783. View of the village from the southeast



34797. Wider view from the east-southeast, with Mt. Velika Špička (955 m) in the background





34771. View of the village from the slope above Mahneti, the man in front, who is preparing firewood, could be a cousin of her mother.



34784. Cerkev sv. Frančiška Ksaverija / St. Francis Xavier church, first mentioned in written sources in 1443



Bloško jezero / Lake Bloke


34788. Common toad, Bufo bufo, krastača in Slovenian, one of many in the lake



34789. Sculpture of Bear the fisherman on the lake shore



34790. One of the wooden tents in the glamping at the lake side



34791. Another bear sculpture, of the reclining bear-on-vacations



34792. View south, across the lake



34793. A toad, practising slow breaststroke swimming



Cerkev Sv. Miklavža / St. Nicholas Church, North of Ulaka


34794. View of the church from the south



34795. Heart-shaped primrose grove



34796. 1678 - year the church was built, engraved in the stone above the door



Mt. Velika Špička, 955 m


34799. The peak is easily accessible, a rather steep but short (half an hour) walk from the road, and the southern view from it, depicted here, is truly magnificent.



34798. 4 milkweed bugs, from the genus Oncopeltus, on a support of the round mountain waymark plate



34800. Winter heath, Erica carnea, spomladanska resa in Slovenian



  Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 33, March 22     Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 34, March 29  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on March 29, 2017; date of last change July 22, 2018.
