Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 63
Field Survey

November 9, 2017, 12 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Gregor Pintar - Stari and France Šušteršič.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.

Članska vas Village


37625. It was a day, as they are often in November, so properly described by friends from the large forest north of the Alps who now live much further to the south as deutsche Wetter. Cloudy sky with drizzling rain which invites cold right through to the bones - and so the fire in the shelter stove was as welcome as can be.



37634. Soon it became quite cozy, as the fire moved the temperature in the shelter up from the single-digit value and the humidity down from the eighties.



37624. A brief snack was called for: cooked chicpeas, garlic, black cumin oil, millet bread, milk crescent roll (kifeljc in Slovenian), half of salty breadstick left by Metod (added just to complete the picture), apricot jam, aronia juice with hot water.



37626. Walnut-shaped chocolate filled mignon from Logatec, a present of the team at today's early voting (of 2017 presidential elections, to be held on November 12) in Logatec



37627. A letter left at the window in the western shelter wall, by Hélène of Clan spéléo des Troglodytes, cavers from Lyon, France, is another reflection of Najdena jama cave charms, certainly augmented by the coziness of Članska vas shelter.



Radošca Collapse


37628. Metod and Žan on the trail to Radošca



37629. Žan and Metod during the survey in the collapse, undertaken to compare its results with Radošca cave survey, made by Gregor.



37630. Metod is pointing to the grey dot on the stone left of his feet. It is a point above the end of the cave ploygon, 11 meters above it, more precisely. The unpleasant revalation is that this point is not below the collapse wall (behind Metod), as it was hoped so far, but about 4 meters from it, so to say, in the middle of the collapse. Now very likely a dead end, as far as further excavation is concerned. A more suitable excavation location will now have to be searched for, in the tunnel much away (and above) of the current end.



Članska vas Village


37631. Žan and Metod returning to Članska vas after the field survey



37632. At the table in the headquarters: Žan and Metod when survey calculations have been done, Klok phone's scientific calculator was also put to use.



37633. Map detail



There is a well versed 2D cave cartographer among the Lanski vrh veterans' ranks, France. His some day to be published on the web ground plan of Najdena jama and surrounding caves will undoubtedly give a great impetus to Lanski vrh cave research. When France saw Metod's report of Radošca 63 measurements he decided to help the brain storming now ahead of the team, on how to proceed with excavation. To the Lanski vrh veteran email list he wrote a letter with attached Lidar (light detection and ranging) map of the Radošca collapse surrounding, including small fragments of Najdena jama cave ground plan (a teaser one could say but still Thank you very much, France!). Yet enough that even a rookie user of raster and vector graphic software such as the writer of these lines could take the ground plan of Najdena jama cave, attached to the 2013 issue of Glas podzemlja / Voice of the Underground caving journal (dedicated to 50 years anniversary of the discovery of inner parts of the cave) and France's Lidar map and combine them into above picture. A click on it will bring a full resolution enlargement.



  Lanski vrh, October 28     Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 64, November 15  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on November 9, 2017; date of last change: November 16.
