Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Lanski vrh and Planinska jama Cave Entrance, on a
Clear Winter Morning

December 4, 2017, 24 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.

Članska vas Village


37837. It was darn cold this morning but the forest road (track in the end) was passable despite around 15 cm of dry snow. Only here and there did the bottom of the car scratch the snow "belly" between the two wheel tracks. Žan made them immediately after the new snow fell and also later, on his regular shelter checkups.



37838. Outside the temperature, at 7.30 in the morning, was -12.3 degrees C, inside the shelter the minus was only half that figure. Still strikingly cold. Any removal of gloves, for some photo activity, was almost immmediately punished by stiff fingers.



Najdena jama Cave Entrance


37843. The entrance was clear of snow but no draft could be noticed. Temperature in the entrance middle was - 11.8 degrees C, still half a degree warmer than the surrounding temperature.



37844. Close up of the entrance shows no frost on the grass stems, which would be produced by the lifting warm and humid air current.



Radošca Cave Entrance


37839. Here the cave entrance showed a different situation.



37840. Lifting warmer air current can clearly be noticed, even in the picture. Temperature in the middle of the current was + 7.4 degrees C.



37841. There was not only frost from vapour on the grass stems but also there was moist on the part of the rock in the upper part, not frost.



37842. At around 8 the sun rose above the eastern horizon and lit up the snow surface.



Članska vas Village


37845. View of the shelter from the west



Planinsko polje Valley - from Laze to Planina


37846. It was only the first real cold morning and so the ice barely started to cover the Unec river banks, as here on the trail to Breg below Laze village.



37848. Closer view of Kucelj, little hill, southeastern part of Laze, with the fire station and its recent hose drying tower ...



37847. ... and a wider view



37849. View over the polje to the Stari grad hill, to the southeast



37850. Planina, bathing in the winter sun, from the north



Planinska jama Cave


37851. Fallen tree top in the Unica river, ice forms on the branch tips.



37852. View of Unica flowing out of the cave - vapour is lifting from the cascade as the air is much colder.



37853. Vapour lifting from the lake in the cave entrance hall - view in ...



37854. ... and view out. Air temperature at the level of the trail, in the hall middle, was - 3.3 degrees C, while the river, close to the bank, also in the middle of the hall, had + 5.1 degrees C. Black spot in the river middle right is the top of the water level measuring rod, inclined to 45 degrees by the current (and time).



37855. View of the entrance inside out, lighter ...



37856. ... and darker, so that the old castle tower is also visible.



37857. View of the vapour haze over the entrance lake from the trail, close to the gate



37858. Icicles on the upper trail fence wire, view out



From Planina to Grčarevec


37859. Water level was higher during the long rain which later turned into snow, and started to fall as can be seen on the Unica river bank - Laze village is in the distance.



37860. View of Jakovica, on the other side of a large Unica meander



  Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 65, November 23    Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 66, December 6  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on December 4, 2017; date of last change: December 9.
