Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo, Riko, Sandi and Rok Grecs.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
37869. Gregor is slicing cheese, to go with beef sausage and bakalar (salt cod spread)
37870. Another snack: cooked red lentils, bread, garlic, menthol candy (Fisherman's Friend) by Ičo, black cummin oil, aronia juice with hot water
37871. Mare and Žan are carrying the power generator and transport bag, suspended from the spruce pole
37872. Metod is startingt the descent into the entrance shaft ...
37873. ... followed by Gregor
37874. Wider view of the entrance. Moderate outgoing air current, 10.2⁰ C, outside temperature 4.1⁰ C
37875. View south to Javorniki ridge (left, center) and Mt. Planinska gora (right), from the forest track above the Krastača cave
37876. Krastača Cave (Brezno v Tratnikovem koniku, Cad. Nr. 213) Entrance. Moderate outgoing air current, 10.2⁰ C, outside temperature 3.0⁰ C.
37878. Putikova jama cave entrance, at the rim of the same doline (vrtača in Slovenian) as Krastača, not far from it, to the east-southeast. Very slight outgoing air current, 8.0⁰ C, outside temperature 3.1⁰ C.
37879. MIK cave entrance, with a nice wide step in it, on the map it should be to the north of Putikova jama cave, but is not. Actually it is about the same distance as between the previous two caves, yet to the east. Moderate outgoing air current, 9.5⁰ C, outside temperature 2.6⁰ C.
37882. Taking the temperature reading in the MIK entrance
37883. Jama Kloka, on the map at the Kališka road side, is actually over 50 m away, close to top of the slope. No air current, outside temperature 4.1⁰ C, in the entrance 4.3⁰ C, at the cave bottom 4.7⁰ C.
37886. View of the entrance from the bottom, a cell phone picture
37888. The sun over the Kališka cesta road, with two car tracks in the snow
37894. Najdena jama cave entrance. Moderate outgoing air current, 8.2⁰ C, outside temperature 5.0⁰ C.
37889. View of the southern entrance from the inside
37890. (Melting) ice covered pebbles, rounded in time as the dripping water from the ceiling chimney rotated them in place, in the main cave tunnel
37891. View of the northern entrance from the inside, with icicle decor on the ceiling ...
37892. ... here in closer view
37893. Ice on the stones under the main ceiling fissure
37895. Open fire for the barbecue in the snow: Rok and Riko
37896. Ičo completed his mission and is now on his way to other, also quite inspiring duties.
37897. Riko returned from the cave entrance where he helped Mare to haul up the last few of the 41 buckets.
37898. Metod, pleased by today's outcome - the air current was stronger than ever and the future expectations are high again ...
37899. Gregor and Žan - enough is enough.
37900. A small snack: braised potatoes, tomato and apple, baked steak of pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., beetroot salad, garlic, silver tea - hopeatee without milk ...
37901. ... complemented on the other side of the table by more adequate selection, including the green basil (Ocimum basilicum) cheese - with hands of Metod, Gregor and Mare (left to right)
37902. Riko and Sandi (right) were paying close attention to Mare's report of the weather surprises at Male Srakane island this autumn - house-sized waves and bora wind from the Osoršćica mountain which turned light rain into horizontal needle-like spikes - while Rok had something else on his mind ...
37903. ... a bite of beef sausage from the Gregor's cutting board.
The 3 pictures in the following section photo and copyright (c) Marko Vogrič 2017, the descriptions by Primož Jakopin. Published with permission.
1. Getting ready for action in Članska vas: Metod, Žan, Gregor, Klok and Ičo
2. At the Radošca entrance: Klok, Žan, Gregor and Metod.
3. Metod started the descent down the entrance shaft already, Gregor will go next, Žan and Klok will stay outside.
Lanski vrh and Planinska jama Cave Entrance, December 4 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 67, December 14
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on December 9, 2017; date of the last change: December 11.