Primož Jakopin, photo diary

The Gambia
Senegambia, Brikama, Airport

January 31, 2018, 24 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

Ayssa and Pubby participated in many pictures of this page.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.



38761. Breakfast: couscous with banana and soaked dry cranberries, oatmeal cookies, camomille tea, Malarone pill



38762. Alternative breakfast: baked chicken wings in heavy hot sauce, baked potatoes, spaghetti, mayonnaise, water from the freezer (not shown)



38763. Bathtub in the bathroom ...



38764. ... and the toilet



38765. View of the living room of the Taf Annex appartment, from the door ...



38766. ... and from the corner at the painting (the red racket lower left on the coffee table is an electric mosquito killer, a most useful device), ...



38767. ... an African village scene, depicted here ...



38768. ... with its signature: A. Badjie B. 1998



38769. Painting in the bedroom, a sandy beach scene with waves and three seagulls above it, ...



38770. ... was also made by A. Badjie B. in 1998. It could be the painter Alhajie (aka Alagie) Bubacarr Badgie, or someone else?





38772. A bag of rice, 50 kg, the main ingredient for the menu of many Gambian families, costs 1.000 dalasis and takes this family through about one month.



38773. Now it is going to the end, only a few kilos are left.



Banjul International Airport Junction


38774. Two girls, on the way to the secondary school situated in Old Yundum, 300 m west of the junction where the road from the airport connects to the Brikama Highway





38776. Mid-morning snack: cooked green beans, tomatoes and chickpeas, bread, garlic, beetroot salad, black cumin oil, wonjo and baobab bio jam, aronia juice with hot water



38777. An artificial river bed, made from imported large rocks to secure the beach from high waves.



38778. Fishermen, spreading the net from the boat on the beach



38779. Pied crows, Corvus albus, gliding in the air



38780. There was a red flag above the beach - the sea was too agitated for swimming.



38781. Three girls on the beach, ready to chat



38783. Fishing boat is passing by.



38784. A GM/EU couple strolling on the beach



38789. A pied crow is feasting on a large fish.



38794. Evening snack, entrée: baked potatoes with green beans, garlic



38795. Evening snack, main course: baked stingray, bought from the fishermen in the picture 38778, bread, wonjo and baobab jam, apple and dry cranberry compote



  Senegambia, Salagi, Bakau, January 30     Senegambia, Tanji Bird Reserve, February 1  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on February 27, 2018; date of the last change: March 2, 2018.
