Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Ayssa participated in many pictures of this page.Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.
38796. Breakfast: polenta with banana and soaked dry cranberries, oatmeal cookies, camomille tea, Malarone pill (not shown)
38836. Roadside billboard advertising the Gambia Fashion Awards 2018
38797. The reception room
38798. A modern version of a balafon, a West African wooden xylophone with 21 keys and resonators
38799. Colourful circular basket weaving designs on the side wall
38800. A tree with aerial roots, could be a banyan tree, along the trail from the Tanji Bird Reserve entrance to the lagoon
38806. Branches of a thorntree
38807. The forest is denser in places and sparse elsewhere with the floor, in the dry period of the year such as now, covered with dry leaves
38808. Ayssa with a pot on the charcoal fuelled fournée
38810. After some 20 minutes after the fire was lit the water with green beans started to boil.
38811. The snack: cooked green beans, cooked chickpeas (brought already cooked, would take too long to cook here), bread, garlic, black cumin oil, wonjo and baobab bio jam, polenta with banana, aronia juice with hot water
38834. Ayssa is taking a selfie.
38812. A small bay, or better, indentation in the coast just north of the cape with the earthen cliff in the background
38813. An EU/GM couple strolling on the beach
38814. Dried fish on the shore
38809. At high tide only a few rocks, protruding from the water, can be seen at the cape itself ...
38832. ... while at low tide they are connected to the sandy shore.
38830. Meandering shallows among the rocks, which are ...
38827. ... judging by the cracks ...
38831. ... of volcanic origin.
38815. Triceratops-shaped dry tree trunk above the beach, just below the cliff
38838. Ayssa on the inland bound part of the trail from the beach
38819. A young tree with strangely curved dried locust beans
38822. Yellow wild orchid
38839. Mounted EU/GM couple ...
38840. ... and a strolling couple - what is warm weather for her is a cold one for him.
38841. A lady from M'bour, employed by one of the Senegambia beach hotels, on her way back after work. It was not only her opinion that M'bour is the best tourist destination in Sénégal.
38842. Two girls, probably on the same path.
38843. Evening snack: braised fish pieces with vegetables, beetroot salad, cooked quail eggs, bread, wonjo and baobab jam, apple compote
Senegambia, Salagi, Bakau, January 31 Senegambia, Kafuta, Tunjina, February 2
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on March 1, 2018; date of the last change: March 4, 2018.