Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Lanski vrh
Further Cave Review of the Samsung S7 Phone Camera

February 21, 2018, 19 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar, Kristofer Pečar - Bajsi and Tomaž Planina.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.

Kališka cesta Road


39088. Kališka cesta was not plowed but still passable for high clearance vehicles as the forestry trucks paved the wheel tracks and the ridge inbetween was not particularly high. But it was frozen and could damage the undercarriage of cars such as Fiat Punto. Žan arranged snow plowing of the Vajzova cesta road which gets quite close to Članska vas but the middle-of-the-road snow ridge was also too high.



39090. 20 minutes later and the standard aluminum shovel (not the snow shovel) helped remove enough of the frozen snow that the car could be parked, out of the way for jeeps and trucks to pass by.



39091. It was no use carrying all the kitchen ware necessary for the snack to Članska vas on foot so the cooking was done in the small open cottage at the beginning of the road.



39092. The snack: bread, garlic, goat yogurt, fig jam, apple compote



39093. The trail from Kališka cesta to Radošca / Radoshitza cave and to Članska vas village was pristine, untouched snow.



39094. The new shoes, a New Year's present, were put to the first use, the gaiters are well seasoned. Both performed well. In places the snow would give in under the foot very little, a cm or two, in places up to the knee. With the help of a 2 m stick, cut on the way, the trail was manageable.



Radošca / Radoshitza Cave Entrance


39095. The entrance was clear of snow, and dry.



39096. Four blowholes, 4 m south of the entrance, along the trail to Članska vas



Članska vas Village


39097. The shelter was covered with about 35 cm of snow, on the table in front the cover was even thicker.



39098. Roof leaking produced some icicles left of Klok's portrait; Andrej also received a small trickle over his face but it dried up without much damage.



39100. Žan arranged snow plowing on Vajzova cesta road all the way to Članska vas and he managed to pass some time before the photographer's arrival, up to the clearance at the end of the regular road. This track, from the clearance past Članska vas and to Kališka cesta road, would require some more hand cleaning to make it passable.



Vranja jama Cave


39101 - 39102. The upper part of the cave entrance collapse was all a large blowhole, dry, without snow ...



39103 - 39105. ... while the lower part of the collapse, depicted in this panoramic view, was fully snow covered.



39106. View of the cave entrance, inside out, from the trail



39107. Trail stones were covered with a thin layer of ice. They were bypassed on the left side of the picture.



39111. Ice curtains on the rock, illumination by a LED headlight from the upper left side



39108. View of the entrance hall from the eastern flank of the hall bottom. Handheld, f 1.7, 1/5 sec., ISO 1250.



39109. View of the entrance of the Vodni rov / Water tunnel. Tripod, f 1.7, 1/4 sec., ISO 1250. As the Samsung S7 phone camera has no manual mode where the parameters could be set the author's guess is that ISO 1250 is the highest setting and that 1/4 sec. is also close to the longest exposure time.



39110. The same scene, with the author as an extra. Camera settings, auto, were the same.



  The Gambia: From Brussels to Ljubljana, February 6     Pekel pri Borovnici / Hell Gorge at Borovnica, February 28 and March 4  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on February 23, 2017; date of the last change: March 11, 2018.
