Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who all contributed to the making of these pictures (most family names are as of 1967): Sinja Zemljič-Golob with Janez and Juš Golob, Rozalija Zemljič - Roža, Miran Saje, Meta Štoka, Radojka Verčko, Matjaž Vodušek, Mojca Zaletel, Bojana Žokalj - Boja, Jože Trpin, Mišo Vidmar and Tadeja Misson.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin.
39163. A brief consultation of two long-time specialists in reading the notes - Miran and Matjaž
39164. A rehearsal: Mišo, Jože, Miran and Matjaž. Three songs were selected for the Sinja serenade, two Slovenian folk songs from the Prekmurje region: Ne ouri, ne sejaj, Zrejlo je žito, and Yesterday by The Beatles.
39308. Miran used to live in this high-rise building before they moved into a house a bit out of Ljubljana.
39307. A 3-room appartment is on the fourth floor (the door at the right)
39304. Photographer's mid-morning snack: cooked chickpeas, bread, garlic, papaya, black cumin oil, aronia juice with hot water
39305. Miran and his violin, a lifetime of passion for music
39309. Sinja and Janez live in the house on the right - view from the slope. Jože parked his car at the construction site of a new house close to the hilltop, to see better where Sinja's home might be. He waited at the roadside where the author, who also lost his way, met him. After a brief consultation of the map on his phone he identified the house and suggested that they both leave the cars where they are and continue downhill on foot. It was a bit muddy and slippery but still a nice stroll/glide (Jože is seen lower left).
39313. Janez, Sinja and their eldest grandson Juš with a 1949 oil on paper by Mišo's father, also a birthday present
39314. View of the house from the access road
39316. Boja and Roža, Sinja's mother
39315. Radojka is joining us again, after she departed to console ...
39317. ... Astra, the Golob family she-hound, who had to be kept away not to interfere with the party (she likes to jump on people like most dogs do).
Naša draga Sinja
'ma prav poseben dar,
tako rada nam odgrinja
preljubih srečanj žar.
(A verse for the birthday girl by the author)
Mačkovica Cave, March 7 DZRJL Caving school, Mačkovica Cave, March 10
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, except where indicated otherwise;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on March 14, 2018; date of last change: April 7.