Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 75
Hopelessly Devoted to You

April 4, 2018, 27 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Metod Di Batista, Janez Kanoni - Žan, Janez Juvan - Manč, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Marko Vogrič - Mare and Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.

Članska vas Village


39579. Mare, before he departed to attentd to some unpostponable obligations in the coastal karst hinterland.



39580. Ičo is repairing the handle, connected to the doorbell-serving woodpecker figurine inside the northern door. It was rendered useless by unknown over-eager shelter visitors.



39581. A snack: cooked chickpeas, millet bread with walnuts, Khorasan wheat and hemp bread, poppy seed oil, garlic, apricot jam, aronia juice with hot water



39583. Žan and Ićo, who brought a special foldable mini-table here seen lower right, where he served his snack: ...



39582. ... prosciutto, cheese, bread and (non alcoholic) beer. The Swiss Army knife will cut the cheese.



39603. (Small) part of the beef tripe stew Žan prepared for the supper



39585. Some unknown shelter visitors, probably back from the trip to Najdena jama cave, left this tea cup. Its inscription belongs to a Local Initiative Group Devnya-Aksakovo, of two towns in Bulgaria, 30 and 5 km west and northwest from Varna.



39584. Ile, the field telephone operator



Vranja jama Cave


39586. Southern collapse wall with snow below it - it melted elsewhere long ago.



39587. View from the trail down to the bottom of the entrance hall



39588. In places rocks were still covered with ice, frozen water that fell from some ceiling fissure.



39592. Ice was also present on the trail, in secluded spots.



39589. Available light illuminated (Samsung S7 on a tripod, 10 second exposure at f/1.7 - the only available, ISO 100) side view of the entrance to Vodni rov / Water tunnel



39590. View of the entrance hall from Suhi rov / Dry tunnel, available light augmented by a flash from upper right (tripod, 2 second exposure at f/1.7, ISO 100)



39591. The large white boulder in Suhi rov / Dry tunnel. Illuminated by electronic flash from upper left, plus a small LED spotlight, positioned on the rock to the right just outside of the picture and aimed at the center of the rock (it enabled the camera to focus without its own flash). Exposure data: tripod, 10 sec., f/1.7, ISO 100, self timer, voice triggered. The green backpack was added for scale.



39593. A small mushroom on a fallen branch, at the side of the trail in the Vranja jama collapse



39594. Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, zvončki in Slovenian



Radošca / Radoshitza cave entrance


39595. Gregor is returning from the cave, carrying the power generator.



39596. Manč and Metod at the cave entrance



To Cave Bottom


39597. Empty upper depot, decorated by some fresh forest flowers



39598. Lower depot with 15 buckets of rocks excavated today, transported from the cave bottom



39599. Still life at the cave bottom collapse, neat and clean



39600. Available light view of the excavation site ...



39601. ... with a fill in flash on this picture. The small pit lower right, excavated a week ago, now has a sibling at the picture center. And where is the continuation? Either right or left - or ...



39602. Two knee pads used by the photographer to crawl and push his way through the straits of the Radošca access tunnel.



Članska vas Village


39604. Afternoon snack: cooked pumpkin and apple, goat yogurt, millet bread with walnuts, Khorasan wheat and hemp bread, apricot jam



39605. Raindrops on the beech tree branches with the shelter in the background



  Artificial Cave at the Eastern End of the Ex-Borovnica Railroad Viaduct, April 2     Aunt Sonja, Farewell, April 12 and 13  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on April 5, 2018; date of the last change: May 14, 2018.
