Primož Jakopin, photo diary

The Heart of Russia

May 3, 2018, 53 pictures

Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size. Numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.


Novorjazanskaya Street Appartment


40008. Breakfast for three: oatmeal with fruit, tea, biscuits



40009. Waking up



Morning Trip to the Downtown


40010. Čistye prudy - view of the monument to Alexander Griboyedov, against the sun



40012. A pair sitting below one of the flowering Japanese plum tree resembling artificial trees along the southern rim of the Lubyanka square



40013. Matryoshka dolls on display in a gift shop



40014. View of the entrance to the Kazan Cathedral, in the corner of the Red Square, ...



40015. ... and of its interior



40017. View down the Red Square, basking in the bright sunlight



40011. Visitors on the Red Square, in front of St. Basil's Cathedral



40018. View of the cathedral from the southwest



Around Kremlin to Bolšoj and the State Library


40019. View of the southern wing of the Granovitaya Palace across the Kremlin wall



40020. Borovitskaya Tower



40021. View of Bolšoj Theatre, from the Theatre Square



40031. Monumental entrance to the Russian State Library (Leninka)



40027. View down the Marble Staircase



40028. Study hall in the southeastern corner of the main building



40029. Bottom-up view of the wooden side staircase



40030. A chandelier - shades of white and gold



40022. Москвичка - lady resident of Moscow (no way to translate it with one word) - always elegant, this time all in white



40023. Monument to Prince Vladimir - view from the other side of the Borovitskaya Ploščad'



Cathedral of Christ the Saviour / ХХС - Храм Христа Спасителя


40037 - 40038. Panoramic view of the cathedral from the northwest



40039. Central dome from below



40041. The altar



40043. Church of the Transfiguration / Преображенская церковь in the lower floor



40044. Cathedral from Soymonovskij Proyezd with southwestern entrance / exit



40024. A little wooden church down the road to the river - Khram-Časovnya Deržavnaya Bogomateri



40048. Main cathedral entrance from the river side, seen from the Patriaršij Most bridge



Moskva River Side


40045. Small truck of the Mosvodokanal (Moscow Water Distribution, Sewage and Wastewater Company) - long name (Москва Водоснабжение Канализация) shortened in just 12 letters of a self-explaining abbreviation.



40025. Monument to Peter I, northwest view ...



40026. ... and the southwest view



40033. Small powerboat is speeding to the west, downstream



40035. Роза ветров / Wind Rose - a passenger boat sailing downstream, as seen from Patriaršij most footbridge



40036. View of Kremlin across the river, from the same bridge



40046. Sightseeing boats Селебрити / Celebrity ...



40047. ... and Мария / Mary, both passing by, downstream, seen from the northern river bank



Returning to Novorjazanskaya by Metro


40050. Lenin's mosaic at the Biblioteka im. Lenina Metro station



40051. In the subway car



40052. Smartphones are an obvious way to cut the commuting time.



40054. Красные ворота / Red Door Metro station ...



40056. ... when another train arrived, northbound.



40057. Hallway to an escalator ...



40058. ... and one more hallway ...



40059. ... to an escalator as we sleceted the wrong exit, to Mjasnitskaya ulitsa.



40060 - 40061. Red Gate Building on the northern side of Sadovaya-Spasskaya



Evening Trip to the Downtown


40063. Escalator exit



40064. Three girls - a friendly conversation in the subway car



40065. T-34 tank, the main war winning weapon of Russia in World War II, on Tverskaya Ulitsa (access road to the Red Square), seen with Hotel National in the background, during the rehearsal for the May 9 Victory Day parade.



40066. T-34 was followed by rocket-launching light vehicles and self-propelled howitzers.



40067. Bolšoj Theatre at night



40068. A large treble clef-form light on the opposite side of the street



40069. One more night shot of Nikolskaya Street



40074. An escalator at the northern exit of the Red Gate Metro station, with unobtrusive light spheres all along



40073. Elaborate round artistic ceiling decoration, again in all the shades of white, it exploits the available lighting to the full



  Russia : Coming to Moscow, May 2     Russia : From Moscow to Kalač, May 4  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on May 20, 2018; date of last change: May 24.
