Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of persons, related to Jozl, known to the author and depicted or mentioned in the descriptions: Helena Pirnat - Pika, his lifetime companion, Miklavž Pirnat, his eldest son, Matevž Pirnat, his second son, Marjeta and Oskar Polajnar Pirnat, his daughter and grandson, Renato Verbovšek - René, Milena Verbovšek - Tita, René's spouse and Pika's sister, Marjeta Zajc - Tačka, Janez Vengar - član Giovanni, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Metod and Matic Di Batista, Jurij Kunaver - Vili.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018 except the second one where the credits go to Primož Krivic - Krivček.
Jozl was a caving buddy to the writer of these lines, from 1966 to this day. As in all families there was a conflict of interest here and there, as could be concluded from the third picture on this page, but we were part of the same team, promoting caving and all about caves to the best of our ability. There are virtually no normal persons in caving, normal by everyday standard, but even in this realm of lonely peaks he was very special - his other caving nickname, Psiho (Psycho) was well deserved, indeed. Yet he was one and only, most dear to all of us, and in cave illustration, be it maps or something else, he was unsurpassed. Jozl was also a bright and witty conversation partner, always right on target. Now he joined the ranks of René and Krivček, in the eternal underground, but he will be very much alive in our memories.
Jozl in Schmidl Hall of Škocjanske jame Cave, June 1977
Climbing in the southern Kogel wall, Kamnik Alps, Jozl, 1967 (photo P. Krivic, published with permission)
Widening a narrow passage in Skednena jama cave, Jozl, Tačka, Klok, 1970
1516. On the water barrier before Lijak in Najdena jama cave: Jozl, član Giovanni and Manč in Metod's inflatable boat, veterans' excursion, 27 May 2000
35920. Jozl and his grandson Oskar during a visit to Članska vas in Lanski vrh, 28 June 2017.
40860. Wider view of the chapel's interior ...
40861. ... and a closer view, with the ...
40862. ... drawing by his grandson Oskar. It reads: Deda, rad te imam / Grandpa, I love you
40863 - 40866. Panoramic view of the audience during the main speech by ...
40868. ... Jozl's Kanin mentor Jurij
40867. Marjeta, Oskar, Pika, Matevž and Miklavž
40869. Matic made a brief outline of Jozl's contribution to Kanin cave explorations, especially of the René/P4 system
40870. Evoking memories of their father: Miklavž, Marjeta and Matevž
40871. Oskar, Pika and Tita
40872. Funeral procession just passed through the main arcade gate.
40873. Family at the grave: Oskar, Pika, Miklavž, Marjeta and Matevž
40874. Saying farewell with ...
40875. ... passing flowers into the grave.
40876. It was a windy afternoon, before the evening thunderstorms and weather change. Yet the wind subdued during the farewell, as if to pay homage to Jozl, and resumed after we bid our friend adieu.
Radoshitza Cave, Day 83, June 20 Radoshitza Cave, Day 84, July 4
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on June 21, 2018; date of last change: July 4.