Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Marjan Juvan - Manč and Janez Modrijan - Modrc. Scrambled egg slime in the picture 40981 was identified by Adrian Wilkins. Pictures with Modrc can be clicked to obtain a version in full resolution.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.
40960. Žan and Modrc just returned from Gorenji Logatec. It was a trip over Kališe flysch oasis, which Modrc did not see for a long time, and certainly not after the forest between the top of the access road to the east was completely cleared away. The other (main) aim of the trip was getting some additional supplies from the store - Žan was not completely sure that today's Radošca will actually take place and so wanted to avoid food surplus.
40959. Mid-morning snack: cooked chard, spinach and chickpeas, bread, garlic, black cumin oil, fruit cake of unknown origin (leftover on the table, probably by Žan or Modrc), aronia juice with chard and spinach water
40961. Manč went to the cave immediately after arrival, moved the end of the cave field phone line from the main depot to the collapse just above the cave bottom and rang that some additional short boards would be necessary to reinforce the wooden collapse support. Recent precipitation prompted slight additional small rock movements which could escalate into more dangerous movements without support reinforcement. In the picture: Žan is cutting the boards to measure, helped by Modrc.
40962. Modrc and Žan are packing the 3 board pieces into a package that could be safely lowered down the entrance shaft.
40963. The package on its way past the upper depot
40965. View of the half-full main excavation depot from below
40964. Manč just put the longest board into place and hammered a round supporting beam to its edge. Now he is adding a U-shaped piece of concrete iron bar which will hold the end of the round beam in place.
40967. Excavated material had to travel a long way from the bottom to the depot and it was no easy task for the team of two - here Manč is seen with a train of 4 buckets.
40968. View of the excavation bottom - the continuation is upper left, the rock lower left is new.
40970. Today's work was aimed at making room for easier removing of small rocks from below the ceiling (bottom right in the picture) which opened up at Radošca 83 two weeks ago. Yet a rock, 20 x 25 cm in the cross section, was hidden in the pile and removing (or hammering) it could add to collapse instability as it is not sure how deeply the rock continues into the collapse.
40969. The new tunnel ceiling is now slightly more exposed but to get to it more properly the collapse bypass will have to be deepened for at least half a meter, into a sinter sediment.
40971. A hole opened up on the opposite side of the bottom - but it leads straight into the collapse.
40972. A rather chilly look of the supported collapse bottom from below
40973. View of the main excavation depot from below after today's excavations were added (10 buckets) with a stack of empty buckets on top
40974. View of the entrance with a new rain cover from below
40975. Forest undergrowth, fueled by substantial precipitation in June, grew by about half a meter in the past 14 days. The forest, devastated by the February 2014 sleet disaster, shows delightful signs of rejuvenation.
40976. The trail from Članska vas to the cave ...
40977. ... is more felt than seen, as attested by this selfie.
40978. At the table, a barbecue feast: Modrc, Žan and Manč ...
40979. ... half an hour later joined by this meal: braised potato and egg, bread, beetroot salad, kiwi (contributed by Žan, from Gorenji Logatec), compote of apricots, raspeberries (harvested from the undergrowth east of the shelter) and aronia juice.
40980. Some strange form of mushroom-like growth on the spruce stump south of the shelter
40981. Closer view reveals that is is watery, extremely fragile and soft. It is scrambled egg slime, Fuligo septica, čreslov cvet in Slovenian.
40982. Evening view in the direction of Lanski vrh from afar, from the Ljubljansko barje plain
Jože Pirnat - Jozl - Farewell, June 21 Rakov Škocjan, July 7
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on July 4, 2018; date of the last change: July 10, 2018.