Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures: Jakub and Anna Pysz, Krzysztof and Agnieszka Rosner, Krzysiek Handzlik and Joanna Markiewicz - Asia, Tomasz - Tomek and Izabela - Iza Manda, Marcin Szendoł and Marta Kałuža, Andrzej Ziomek.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.
41797. Breakfast for two: open sandwiches, tea and honey for Jakub, millet porridge with kiwi and soaked dry cranberries, oatmeal cookies, camonille tea for the author
41799. Jakub during the work on one of the 4 exhibition pictures which arrived unassembled.
41798. His firewood table saw is precise enough for cutting laths.
41800. Jakub (with the author's snack bag) on the trail to the southern side of the mountain top
41801. View north, to the plain, to Bielsko (top left) from the start of the FIS ski course
41803. Three glass carboys where the wine is brewing, will be ready by the New Year.
41804. Carboy top closure where the brewing fumes exit
41806. Jakub at the table, snack turned into lunch.
41805. Closer view: toast and figs for him, beef soup with grated noodles, garlic, beetroot salad, corn bread, millet porridge and apple compote for the author
41807. The bathtub
41808. Jakub at the wheel of the Punto
41809. The car interior past the front seats was almost entirely filled with framed canvases.
41810. Krzysiek on the ladder - he was hanging the pictures, others assisted him. After it was done Jakub attached the picture subtitles below the frames (in Polish language to the left side, in English to the right side) with a stapler. All in all was completed in three hours, at 17.30, half an hour before the opening.
41812. The exhibition path started in the eastern room, counter clockwise - in the picture: images 1 to 4 ...
41813. ... images 5 to 8 ...
41811. ... and image 9 at the eastern room entrance/exit
41814. Path continued in the central room, this time clockwise, with images 10 and 11 ...
41815. ... image 12 ...
41816. ... images 13 and 14 ...
41817. ... and images 15 to 18. Images 19 and 20 on the eastern wall, alas, escaped the attention of this report.
41819. The last exhibition room was the adjacent office anteroom with image 22 on the eastern wall, while ...
41818. ... images 21 and 23 to 25 on the opposite wall completed the show.
41820. Dom Kultury from the street, just before the opening
41821. Marta and Marcin
41822. Agnieszka and Tomek, joined in the picture because they sported ...
41824. ... the most attractive shoes - here with an addition (at their insistence) of the author's pair.
41825. Tomek, Krzysiek and a few of the visitors - Krzystof joined some time later, he had unavoidable obligations elsewhere.
41827. A bouquet of sunflowers with a small additional souvenir, presents to the author by the Dom Kultury principal.
41828. Most interesting was the visit of Mr. Andrzej Ziomek, the Bielsko-Biała chronist (kronikarz). He devotes a few pages in the current volume of his log (the one on the table has the serial number 140) to any event he deems important, adds impressions of the participants and and other printed data available (next to the logbook there is the today's exhibition poster). In the picture: Marcin is putting down his impressions, accompanied by Tomek, Andrzej, Agnieszka, Asia, Krzysiek and Marta.
41834. It is a small house from the outside, but with an ample and very cozy wooden interior. In the picture - at the entrance to the ...
41831. ... living room, ...
41832. ... from where there is a good view of the dining corner, part of ...
41833. ... a lovely kitchen. It has all the modern amenities, but the old look and feel was retained.
A Visit to Śląsk / Silesia, From Ljubljana to Bielsko-Biała A Visit to Śląsk / Silesia, Jaskinia Miecharska Cave
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on October 2, 2018; date of the last change: October 16, 2018.