Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Jakub and Anna Pysz, Krzysiek and Olimpia Handzlik, Tomasz - Tomek Manda, Krzystof and Agnieszka - Aga Rosner.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.
41991. Breakfast: couscous with kiwi and soaked dry cranberries, oatmeal cookies, camomille tea
41843. Three capable friends, each a specialist in his own craft, joined forces not only to get this marvel of modern design and all time efficiency into the car but also to secure it there so that both the cargo and the car survived the second leg of the travel unharmed. The stove already had over 1.000 km of a voyage behind, all in all it would be twice the direct route. But freedom of choice often takes some additional turns before all the pieces of a puzzle fall into place.
41993. Tomek, Krzysiek and Jakub, thank you again!
41994. The new highway over the mountain ridge between Poland and Slovakia, from Čadca to Bielsko-Biała, is under construction. Every new leg opened is a big bonus for travelers. In the picture - below the new viaducts (responding to a call of nature).
41995. Mid-morning snack: cooked red lentils, garlic, bread, black cumin oil, kiwi, grape and apple juice by Olimpia, aronia juice with spinach water
41996. Afternoon snack: bread, sheep yogurt, powidło śliwkowe / plum jam by Anna, apple compote. Lunch to go by Aga with honey by Krzystof came on the table the next day.
A Visit to Śląsk / Silesia, Bochnia Salt Mine and Wawel Castle of Kraków Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 94
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
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Page initiated on October 12, 2018; date of the last change: October 25, 2018.