Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 105
Soft Calcite and New Year's Celebration

December 28, 2018, 21 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The most visible event participants in the pictures and related persons: Marjan Baričič, Janez Kanoni - Žan, Alenka Terlep - Lenča and Metod Di Batista, Marina and Gregor Pintar - Stari, Polona Planina, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Blaž Dovžan - Laverdist and son, Anton Brancelj - Ižanc, Jurij Kunaver - Vili, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Andrej Puc - Fofr, Branka Hlad, Andrej Baraga, Vojko Mahorčič - Vojc and Tomi Lajovic - Tomac.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.

To Cave Entrance


42855. It was mid afternoon but days are short now and it was close to sunset already.



To Cave Bottom


42856. Gregor at the depot with Metod ...



42857. ... moving up from the excavation site, followed by ...



42858. ... Manč



42861. View upwards from the excavation site front where ...



42859. ... the photographer squeezed himself into (the above selfie was made from the top of a small transport bag serving as a tripod) thinking how to best spend an hour or so of time he had left.



42860. After careful examination of the site he noticed that the calcite-glued small rocks of the collapse at the left side are solid enough to allow safe digging while the rock to the right, which Manč was crushing piece by piece, is an order of magnitude harder. So he took the crowbar at the right and in 45 minutes managed to excavate (without hard effort) ...



42864. ... the pile shown above. It is estimated at 6 buckets. Continuing to excavate the material at the border of hard rock would very probably shorten the digging time several times. It is also interesting to note that a large rock surface appeared in the soft calcite/rock side (80 x 80 cm, center right) which makes the front smaller and supported fropm one more side.



42863. In the middle of the digging this lovely scene popped up, ...



42862. ... with a small stalactite (12 cm high) in the middle.



42866. View of the site from the access tunnel.



Članska vas Shelter


42867. Roasted pork legs, brought by Žan, were the culinary highlight of the evening.



42868. Ile, Vojc and Tomac at the table



42869. Gregor and Branka in a witty conversation



42870. Serbian spruce, Picea omorika, Pančićeva omorika in Slovenian, in front of the shelter was decorated as a Christmas tree.



42871. Laverdist and his son were making a small open fire which, for quite some time, despite best efforts did not want to ignite properly.



42872. The spirits were high at the table (clockwise, starting at the bottom): Žan, Marina, Modrc, Ile, Vojc, Tomac, Mare, Polona, Ižanc, Lenča, Andrej, Fofr and Metod.



42873. Marina brought a delicious apple strudel (below) but the one contributed by Modrc (above) still managed to win the photographer's heart.



42875. Potica comes in a variety of fillings - here tarragon (top left), walnut (top right) and poppy seeds (below) can be admired.



42874. Jurij had some Kanin caves-related obligations in Plužna and arrived in the evening - here he is seen at the shelter door.



42876. Two balloons, a red one to the left and a green one to the right, at the spot where the forest track to Najdena jama cave forks off from the end of Vajzova cesta road, marked that a celebration is taking place nearby.



  Petnjak, December 15     Access to Jama pri podrtih jaslicah Cave, December 30  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on January 1, 2019; date of the last change: January 7, 2019.
