Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.
42886. The cave is situated below a wall on the western side of Mt. Krimšček (940 m), on the southwestern rim of the Rakitna plateau. In the picture - accessing the cave from the northern side of the wall.
42887. The cavern at the crossing of two local fault lines is quite sizeable ...
42889. ... and overhangs the bottom of the wall.
42896. The rock, center right in the previous picture, broken from the wall, has two sides quite even and perpendicular to each other. The longer side is about 2 m long.
42892. Cave entrance is hidden in the depth of the indentation ...
42890. ... and would require crawling, and a caving suit. In the picture - view in, the actual entrance is top right.
42891. View out from the cave entrance
42895. Hart's-tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium, jelenov jezik in Slovenian. Despite morning frost it is quite alive and well.
42897. Round indentation in the wall north of the entrance, about 40 cm in diameter ...
42898. ... and two larger ones above it, about 3 m above ground. The left one is about 80 cm across.
42899. View of the whole lot
42900. From the trail around Mt. Krimšček the ravine with moss overgrown boulders which leads to the cave is well visible, but the wall on top of it is much more noticeable if one hikes the trail in the counterclockwise direction, i. e. if the ravine traverse is made from north to south.
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 105, December 28 Mt. Kanin - from Cable Car D Station to Koča Petra Skalarja / Peter Skalar Hut, December 31
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on January 6, 2019; date of the last change: January 9, 2019.