Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Name of the cave is symbolic, given by the photographer, in absence of the official, yet to be determined, cave name. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos, Ludvik Husu, Matej and Goran Rutar.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
43365. View of the site (picture center) from the forest track
43367. Claudio has just loaded another bucket with rocks, and is releasing it up to ...
43366. ... Ludvik who pulled it out, and passed it forward to Goran and Matej.
43369. The author's lunch was supposed to take place before the today's action but an unexpected delay in the Logatec Industrial Zone moved it to later time. In the picture: chicken soup with hemp and spinach noodles, baked rabbit leg, bread, beetroot, oatmeal cookies, dates, apple compote with red grapes (yet to be poured into the little brown pot from the large vacuum flask).
43370. The author just passed a bucket to Claudio who is hauling it up.
43371. An overloaded bucket in the corner of the chamber - before transportation the upper stone would be removed.
43372. Ludvik with another bucket, against the light
43375. Claudio cleared the floor of the chamber perfectly. The continuation is a hole below the rock, lower center left in the picture ...
43374. ... here seen up close.
43376 and 43377. The photographer managed to get the phone camera below the rock, deeper inside, but could not get the helmet with the light there, too, the space was about 5 cm too narrow. So he used the camera flash to make two adjacent pictures, here seen stitched together into one. The continuation is obviously below the rock lower right, and the rock is quite sizeable, more a wall outcrop wall than a rock. Pebbles, thrown into this void fell about 5 - 10 meters deeper, with a good echo.
43378. View up and north from the bottom of the chamber below the entrance ...
43379. ... and view up and south, towards the entrance
43380. Claudio and Ludvik already departed the site, view down the slope to the forest track
43381. The sun just set behind the Vremščica mountain.
Velika Rutarjeva jama Cave, February 23
Vršič Mountain Pass, March 3
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on February 27, 2019; date of the last change: March 5, 2019.