Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Nova Rutarjeva jama Cave, Day 2
Top Down Approach

March 6, 2019, 18 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Name of the cave is symbolic, given by the photographer, in absence of the official, yet to be determined, cave name. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos and Ludvik Husu.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.

43548. Claudio just filled a bucket ...



43547. ... which Ludvik will haul up from the cave bottom, now about 2 m deep.



43549. After a while Claudio and the photographer changed places so that this photo of the entrance with Ludvik could also be taken from the bottom up.



43550. Some 15 buckets later Claudio retook the excavation position and a snack could take place: bread, goat yogurt red currant jam, apple and black grape compote.



43551. View of Mt. Vremščica from the site, through the sparse forest, over the Volče valley



43552. Ludvik is just emptying a bucket of earth and small rocks over a considerable dry-stone wall, most of which was made during the initial excavation past week.



43553. This rock was too big for the bucket and so had to be hauled up on its own.



43554. With more and more buckets the pile on the left grew bigger and bigger.



43555. The sun was getting low and the last bucket is now in Claudio's hands. The bottom is now 3 m below the entrance and it became clear that to reach (and determine) the best continuation direction (the draft is strong all along) the floor has to be lowered for another meter. As its area is getting ever larger, a few more days of work will be required, and the transport of material will require the installation of a pulley.



43556. A selfie of the team above the entrance: Claudio, Klok and Ludvik



43561. Now the time has come for a quick photo report of today's achievements. The cave entrance extends along a local vertical fault line in the rough direction north-south, in this picture left-right.



43559. The northern end of the fault



43557. View up from the bottom, with Claudio and Ludvik in the entrance



43558. The continuation in the northerly direction, uphill ...



43560. ... and to the south, downhill towards the village - here a meander, its ceiling are already discernible. This continuation is much more promising, as the collapse at the end of Velika Rutarjeva jama cave, of its Big Hall, is just about 50 m to the west. So chances to get past it here are not negligible.



43562. It was close to sunset when we left, down the forest road ...



43563. A primrose, trobentice in Sloveniana



43564. Claudio examined a small doline (vrtača in Slovenian) below the road as it had a suspicious hole in its southern wall. It proved to be nothing but he nevertheless found this rock, about 25 cm along the longer axis, with orange coloured calcite crystals here illuminated by a strong LED light from the left.



  DZRJL High Mountain Winter Skills Practice, March 3     Karst Living Museum near Lipica, March 13  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on March 6, 2019; date of the last change: March 19, 2019.
