Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The most visible event participants in the pictures and related persons: Marko Vogrič - Mare, Metod Di Batista, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Andrej Puc - Fofr, Andrej Ramor - Ejč, Janez Ileršič - Ile and Marjan Baričič. Blue-eyed Mary was determined by Marko Vogrič, Matej Blatnik and Matija Perne.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
43987. View of Tončkov dome homestead from the forest road
43988. View of the entrance from its floor, Fofr. He and Ejč were the surface team, hauling up the buckets with excavated material from the cave bottom, 9 meters lower.
43996. At the floor of the entrance the cave splits into two parts. The first to be opened for access was the Southern chamber. At the beginning there is a 70 cm drop, followed by the depicted narrow passage, heading west. It has to be entered sidewise, on the left hip, legs first.
43995. Stalagmites past the chamber entrance
43993. The chamber floor is flat ...
43994. ... but the ceiling is too low even for easy crawling. In the picture - a selfie where the phone camera, on a selfie extension stick, is positioned close to chamber end.
43989. Chamber continues over a heap in the picture, top the south.
43991. Coupled stalagmite-stalactite pair from the right side of the previous picture
43992. Cauliflower-like calcite forms to the left of the heap, they usually indicate draft.
43990. Closer view of the chamber continuation. Further excavation was abandoned because the draft here is much weaker than in the inner shaft on the eastern side of the entrance floor.
43997. View out with an bucket, waiting to be thrown down the inner shaft
43998. Blue-eyed-Mary, Omphalodes verna, spomladanska torilnica in Slovenian
43999. Fofr (looking into the cave) and Ejč. One tarpaulin provides a roof for the entrance, the other for the belongings of the excavation team. Last time it was 4M (Metod, Mare, Manč and Marjan), today only 3M. Marjan will come later, by train at 4.30 p. m. and Ile, who helped Fofr and Ejč, will drive to the railway station to give him a lift.
44000. Manč on the way back, on top of the inner shaft
44001. Metod at the bottom, 6 m deep, as seen from the top ...
44002. ... and from the closer distance. He is working to remove a large, pyramid-shaped rock which blocked the continuation in the bottom. The problem was that the rock was turned top down.
44003. Metod ascending from the shaft. It can be free climbed.
44004. The photographer is of tinier build and so managed to get closer, remove the pyramid-shaped rock and push it to a side niche above the bottom. Now the continuation hole is clearly visible.
44005. Continuation hole, closer view. It has a footprint of about a large elongated bread basket. As could be guessed from the current position the shaft continues in a similar way to the above part, with about the same shape, at least 5 meters, probably more, as can be heard in the sequence below. The draft was constant and you could feel it.
A 23-second sequence depicting throwing a fist-sized stone into the void at the cave bottom. The stone was falling and bouncing off the walls of the cave continuation shaft for 3 seconds, from the time 15.88 till 18.92 in the timeline.
44007. View south, with Mt. Planinska gora, across a clearing to the east of the hunting lodge
Pliskovica na Krasu, April 2 Evening and April 3 Velika Rutarjeva jama cave, April 13
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on April 10, 2019; date of the last change: April 18, 2019.