Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Aleš Stražar, Julija Timoševskaja, Darja, Nastja and Marija Fedotova, Sofija Zaimak, Maksim Rebrik, Jaroslav Kozčenko, Aleksej Putij, Teodora Rudolph, Simeon and Paul Zehnder (mostly participants of ISAY 2019 - International Speleo Academy for the Young).
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
44904. Julija and Jaroslav are looking to the siphon at the end of the Water Tunnel, for the olms, but to no avail. Today they went somewhere else. The bank really is muddy and standing there for more than a few seconds does bring problems.
44903. Nastja tried to step back but the boots were firmly stuck in the mud, so she lost her balance and landed on her hands - muddy to the wrist. With joined efforts she managed to get to the safe ground again ...
44905. Returning from the siphon - Julija, Jaroslav and Paul.
44907. The big rock in the Dry Tunnel, with Julija, Sofija, Marija, Darja, Maksim, Jaroslav, Aleksej, Aleš, Teodora, Simeon and Paul. A click on the picture shows it is full resolution.
44908. Aleš ...
44909. ... Aleš, chiaro scuro ...
44910. ... and Julija
44911. Team leaders at the edge of the cave entrance, view in
Cape Debeli rtič, July 20
Cape Debeli rtič, July 24
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Aleš Stanislav Stražar is president of Simon Robič Cave Exploration Society in Domžale (DZRJ Simon Robič Domžale).
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Page initiated on July 22, 2019; date of the last change: July 27, 2019.