Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos and Ludvik Husu.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
45665. View of Mt. Nanos, 1,250 m, some 5 km to the north of the new cave in the making
45645. The blowhole is situated about 40 m below the top of Ajdovec hill, close to the depicted forest track.
45649. A feat of bio-engineering - stump mushroom on a tiny straw-like stem
45646. Claudio and Ludvik in a hole, dug out from zero in the previous excursion
45647. It had to be made this big to make space for proper digging in the eastern side of its bottom.
45650. A rock was released from its base ...
45651. ... and is now being lifted ...
45652. ... out.
45653. Another, bigger one is now in the way and to soften the grip of the surrounding ones they have to be targeted first, with a chisel ...
45654. ... and a hammer.
45655. What looked like an ordinary rock above the one worked on turned out to be of limestone crystals, perpendicular to the strata direction. A hidden gem, a sparkle for the eyes and a balm for the soul, like every cave, especially a new one.
45656. Despite the removal of all the neigbours on top of it the rock is still firmly anchored and it took a lot of rocking before Claudio managed ...
45657. ... to release it.
45658. It was a heavy lift to the surface ...
45664. ... and here Claudio is relaxing his hands after the rock was safely out.
45663. View of the continuation (center left) ...
45661. ... here in a closer view (upper center right) ...
45662. ... and really up close (top and right)
45660. Selfie of the team at the workplace
45648. View down the return road - it was an impeccably bright and clear autumn day.
A 2 minute film sequence, titled Laže, skoraj odprli / Laže Cave, Almost Opened (in Slovenian), taken during the same excursion by Claudio Bratos
Mrkopalj, October 15
Kokotov rov / Koko's Passage, October 23
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
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Page initiated on October 22, 2019; date of the last change: October 26, 2019.