Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Around Markov spodmol Cave
Forma Viva

November 20, 2019, 32 pictures and 37 seconds of moving action

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos, Ludvik Husu and Stojan Sancin. Mitja Prelovšek - Čot contributed the translation of scallops.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.

Collapsed Doline in Loza, Halfway from Slavina to Laže


45933. While driving towards Markov spodmol cave Claudio spotted from the car, south of the road junction 5 km from Laže and 5 km from Slavina, an interesting overhang which could hide a cave. Here he is seen examining it, like many times before to no avail.



45935. Very closer to the road there certainly was a shaft, depicted here. It would be a miracle if it would be a new cave, and it very likely is the 18 m deep Brezno ob Selški poti cave (cave register number 2220), albeit with wrong coordinates (X 64400 Y 431340).



45934. Ludvik is pointing towards two spruces on the opposite side of the collapse where the chances to find a new cave, in his opinion, were better.



45937. A cut-off part of spruce trunk with a bark cloak



45938. The other side of the collapse is covered with moss-overgrown large stones.



45940. Quite close to the road Claudio discovered an old excavation site ...



45939. ... above a blowhole.



45941. It continues, but dry weather would be much preferable.



45942. Ludvik at the signpost - both roads which are directed to the west from the junction, lead to Laže.



Markov spodmol Cave


45943. Wind brought an inflatable beach ball to the temporary lake in the meadow which the forest road, to the west of the brook, which leads to cave entrance, is crossing. Today is was barely above the water.



45944. Claudio in the entrance hall ...



45945. ... Ludvik on the slippery slope opposite the entrance.



45947. Some 100 m from the entrance the cave tunnel ends with a siphon, here seen in wider ...



45946. ... and closer view.



45948. On the eastern side of the tunnel, some 20 m before the siphon, a very narrow passage leads to the lower level of the cave ...



45949. ... here seen in closer top view.



45950. Selfie of the visiting trio in the main tunnel, view towards the entrance



45952. View towards the entrance hall, just before the canyon, carved in the tunnel bottom.



45956. The canyon, from the entrance towards inside the cave



45953. Detail of cave scallops (fasete in Slovenian)



45957. View out from the cave entrance, Ludvik



45958. Sajevški potok brook sinks just before the cave as depicted in this view from the side slope close to the entrance.



New Cave in the Vicinity


45968. Greenery above ...



45967. ... the entrance. The cave was discovered and its entrance opened around 1980 by Claudio and Stojan. They explored the low tunnel (about 1 m high) to considerable extent (150 m), also through two narrow squeezes but not to the end. Further exploration was abandoned because of the Mitjina jama cave discovery.



45966. A lone climber, one of many, in the wall below the entrance



45965. View towards the bottom, Claudio



45964. Claudio as seen from a sand bank at the bottom. He illuminated ...



45960. ... this side view of the incoming water flow ...



45961. ... and horizontal view, front illuminated.



45963. On the southern side the flow disappears to now submerged parts of the tunnel.



37-seconds long film depiction of the water flow at the cave bottom. A murmur of upstream rapids is clearly audible.



Sajevče Meadows


45971. View north towards the village with inflatable beach ball still in place



Veliki potok Brook, West of Slavina


45972. Rapids on a stone threshold



Related posts:

Three recordings by Claudio Bratos, taken during the same excursion:


1.5-minute sequence, Raziskovanje terena nad Lažami

7-minute sequence, Markov spodmol

3-minute sequence, Nova jama


  Vranja jama Cave, November 14     Vranja jama Cave, November 25  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on November 20, 2019; date of the last change: November 27, 2019.
