Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos, Ludvik Husu and Krzysiek Handzlik.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
46047. Winter is here and even early in the afternoon the sun travels low above the horizon of now largely overgrown pastures.
46048. A three-top pine
46051. Workplace is on the edge of a shallow collapse doline
46049. Ludvik installed two 5 cm thick boards over the top of the shaft, to make hauling ...
46050. ... buckets of rock and earth easier.
46052. View of the cave entrance from below, from the top of the shaft
46053. The bottom of this shaft is 6 m lower, a room of adequate proportions. Its northern side is depicted here, with rocks which fell down the shaft during the shaft widening, to be lifted up now, and some caving gear.
46056. Claudio is loosening the rocks in the bottom pile with a small pick of his own making ...
46057. ... to be loaded ...
46055. ... into the bucket which Ludvik hauls up to the surface.
46058. An opening in the bottom, here seen from below, leads two and a half meters deeper, ...
46059. ... where the current end of the cave is situated. A blowhole in the meander bottom is now almost completely filled with brokem rocks, which will be removed during the next excursion to the cave.
46060. The walls are densely covered with cauliflower-like flowstone formations ...
46062. ... of different sizes, which attest that considerable draft was present during their development.
46061. Side niche, illuminated from the inside by a twin headlight, contributed by Krzysiek.
46063. A very distinct, udder-shaped corroded rock
46064. Orleška gmajna is Ludvik's back yard. And on a cold winter day he can still find a new blowhole, sometimes even two or three. Most of them would require too much work to get down to a proper cave but Claudio still jokingly says that he will have to forbid Ludvik from such strolling. The number of those blowholes which lead to a promising continuation in the deep is simply too big. In the picture: Today's mission accomplished, see you next time.
3.5-minute sequence, Orlek - Jama nad "Reko" by Claudio Bratos
Lanski vrh, December 3
Brezno pri Lužci, December 11
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
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Page initiated on December 4, 2019; date of the last change: December 13, 2019.