Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Najdena jama / NewFound Cave Veteran's Day
A Little Spark from the Old Fatherland

May 30, 2020, 46 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Most visible event participants, who contributed to the making of these pictures, one way or the other: Jurij Andjelić - Yeti, Aldo Gouwerok and Romy Hoogendoorn, Franc - Lanko, Bina, Žodor and Ilija Marušič, Kristofer Pečar - Bajsi, Behare Rexhepi - Beki and Jure Bevc, Dorotea Verša Paić and Robert Paić, their dogs Bianca and Zlatica, Matic Di Batista - Diba, Ula Jakofčič and her puppy Bibi, Jure Zakrajšek - Juki, Jure - Ðuro, Ela and Žan Košutnik, Jaka Flis, Elizabeth Covington and Tjaša Vezovnik.
Flowers and animals on this page were determined by the author with the exception of the picture 47572 where the moth was identified by Primož Presetnik - Pipistrel colleagues. The names, given after the Latin ones, are Slovenian.

Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2020 except 47574 where the credits go to Žodor Marušič.


Članska vas Shelter


47535. Beki is kneading the dough for bread which will accompany the main course, both the roasted piglet as well as its veggie counterpart.



47537. A few days ago DZRJL (Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society) celebrated its 110th anniversary and this cake composition, from the hands of the same master cook (chef is a word better suited in romance context), will be the dessert of today's festivity.



47536. The last cake with DZRJL logo, up close



47545. Lepinja bread by Beki



Skednena jama Cave


47542. Klok, Tara, Romy, Aldo and Yeti in the southern cave entrance, view out



47538. Aldo and Yeti in the Kapelica (Chapel) room



47540. Sky in the framework of the northern entrance



47541. Romy and Yeti with Tara and Mack during the ascent from the northern entrance to the Lanski vrh plateau



Članska vas Shelter


47544. Robert and Dorotea with their greyhounds Bianca and Zlatica, plus Bibi, puppy of Diba's niece Ula



47543. A rather organic snack with an added piece of chicken from the Yeti's barbecue



Najdena jama Cave Entrance


47546. Bajsi, the sharpest DZRJL wordsmith, coined many superb pieces, including the description of a profession from the contemporary world:
on-duty manufacturer of unnecessary and environmentally harmful items.



47547. The Marušič family: Lanko and Bina with Žodor and Ilija. Žodor could not be completely persuaded that the cave will not take his mother away for good, that the descent is not deadly and that bears do not prey in the dark corridors on unsuspecting people to come along ...



47548. Juki



Članska vas Shelter


47549. Jure, Ela and Žan



Vranja jama Cave with Žodor


47550. View out of the entrance



47551. On top of the Vodni rov / Water Passage, view out



47553. View of the siphon. Light beam is searching for olms, but in vain - they moved to some safer, more secluded place.



47554. Snowman with a hat, we made it from clay



47555. In the passage to Mrzla jama cave ...



47556. ... on the ladder ...



47557. ... and a selfie in a side niche below the Mrzla jama entrance.



47558. The entrance, view out



47559. On the trail which descends from the cave to the Planinsko polje field.



47560. Two of the four very large and old yet unidentified trees which form the border of the field bay below the cave.



Planinsko polje field


47562. View west with northwestern foothills of Mt. Planinska gora in the background



47563. Ivanjščice (in Slovenian), Leucanthemum ircutianum, from the Asteraceae family



47564. Field scabious, Knautia arvensis, njivsko grabljišče



47565. Meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, ripeča zlatica



47566. Dane's-blood, Campanula glomerata, klobčasta zvončica



47567. Chaerophyllum spp., korenjavec



47568. Valeriana, Valeriana tripteris, tripernata špajka



47569. Sorrel, Rumex acetosa, navadna kislica



47570. Meadow campion, Silene flos-cuculi, kukavičja lučca



47571. A grass grove



47572. Spotted sulphur moth, Emmelia trabealis, slakova sovka



47574. The common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, navadni modrin



47575. Bird's-foot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus, nokota



47576. Juvenile firebugs, Pyrrhocoris apterus, rdeči škratki



Članska vas Shelter


47577. People, including the author of these lines, took pictures with cell phone cameras. There were a few bright exceptions to the rule, including Jaka.



47578. For the 110th DZRJL anniversary a special craft beer was on offer, coming with a variety of labels. The one, in Bina's hand, is titled Globinka (a deep cave goer, of feminine gender).



47579. Pastry, baked by Elizabeth



47580. Another craft beer, titled špičakinja, top she-caver



47581. Verses on the other side of the label (a free translation):
In the mighty shafts
on the ropes we hang
into the last slit
we bring the light.
Of meanders and waterfalls
we are not afraid
the deepest avens
give way when we come.



47582. The open fire, mainly for barbecue



47584. For this occasion Bajsi's invention (and produce), the portable torture chamber (aka narrow cave passage scale model) was upgraded. The passage height can now be adjusted and the competition was open, the height and time to get through were measured. It started at the height of 30 cm with quite large number of participants, including most veterans. At 19 cm, depicted here, the number of remaining daredevils dwindled to just a few. Tjaša, in the picture, slipped through gently, with ease, and fast.



47583. The contest attracted many outing participants



  Pekel pri Borovnici / Hell Gorge at Borovnica, May 23     From Gradišnica to Članska vas and Back, June 24  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on May 31, 2020; date of last change: July 2, 2020.
