Primož Jakopin, photo diary

From Gradišnica to Članska vas and Back
The Green Land

June 24, 2020, 19 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants and related persons: Metod Di Batista, Janez Kanoni - Žan, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo, Jure Trenz, Janez Ileršič - Ile and Marjan Juvan - Manč, Marko Vogrič, Frančiška Blažič, Jasmina Kozina Praprotnik and Urban Praprotnik. The names of plants and animals, given after the Latin ones, are Slovenian.

Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2020.


To Lanski vrh from the North


47684. The great promoters of spending free time running and walking over long distances, Urban and Jasmina, organized a 4-day passage on foot, Ljubljana to the coast, June 25 to 28, 2020. A leg of the trek runs from Logatec to Laze, and the standard choice would obviously be to use part of the Slovenian camino, Ruta Jacobea (Jakobova pot, in all 4100 km from Budapest to Finisterre). But its route from Logatec to the southwest is placed way to the west, it passes through the Kališe flysch oasis, and a large detour (over 4 km or 1 hour more) has to be made to reach Laze from it. So the author decided to retrack the old trail, used by the villagers of Jakovica to reach Logatec on foot up to about 70 years ago. Its end, just north of Martinj hrib, suburb of Logatec, was shown to him by Fani Blažič from Jakovica, some 20 years ago. It turned out that retracing the old trail is more tricky than anticipated, the terrain is now criss-crossed by tracks, made by tree loggers, often with heavy machinery, which usually run in all possible, usually "wrong" directions. Only on his way back from Članska vas, following Žan's instructions, did he manage to find the correct route, two thirds of the way, its southern part. The passage from Logatec to Planinsko polje valley is of historical importance, it is believed to be on the route used by Odyssey and his team over 3.000 years ago for the transfer of their boat Argo from the springs of Ljubljanica river at Vrhnika (Nauportus) to the Adriatic sea. In the picture: an Y-shaped dry branch hanging from a beech tree, considerably to the west of the desired route.



47685. Here and there a window in the greenery opens up, to the south, with some narrow view of Planinsko polje such as the one depicted here.



47686. Telephoto view reveals the church on top of Jakovica hill.



47687. After over half an hour's walk the author concluded that he is too far to the west and changed course to the east, to reach the entrance of Mardi cave. In the picture: view south from the eastern slope of the hill above the Mala Smrečnica doline, with Javorniki ridge center and left plus Planinska gora on the right side of the horizon.



47688. Daisies



47690. A bee pasturing ob the blossom of ox-eye, Buphthalmum salicifolium, vrbovolistni primožek



47693. The entrance of Mardi (MARetov DIhalnik, Marko's Blowhole) cave ...



47692. ... here in a closer view



47691. Longhorn beetle, Morimus funereus, bukov kozliček, in the cave entrance



47694. Eagle ferns, Pteridium aquilinum, orlova praprot, against the sun



47695. Ripe grass heads, in the sun



Članska vas


47697. Žan, Članska vas mayor, at the table, with his nicely peeled cane



47696. Jure and his Alfa Romeo ...



47698. ... Manč with the Nissan Qashqai ...



47699. ... and Metod at the door of his BMW SUV



Access to Radošca cave


47700. The trail from Članska vas to the cave is now overgrown and discernible only to its past users, as ...



47703. ... the immediate surrounding of the cave is now fenced, for some forestry experiment, probably to check how the forest, ruined after the February 2014 frozen rain disaster, recovers if left in peace not only by people, but also by large herbivore animals. In the picture - the only entrance into this highly fenced plot of land is from Kališka cesta road.



47701. At the left side of this opening one of the two wooden fence poles is hammered into the ground while the other one is attached only by ...



47702. ... galvanized wire which can be rotated to open, preferably by at least two people.



  Najdena jama / NewFound Cave Veteran's Day, May 30     Spodmol v Gamsovem skretu, June 26  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on June 29, 2020; date of last change: July 5, 2020.
