Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participant, who contributed to the making of these pictures: Ludvik Husu.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2020.
48032. It is an old trail, south of the village Brje pri Komnu, used by Yugoslavian border guards for their patrolling until 1991. The trail is well passable, in places bramble is trying to retake it.
48033. Ludvik, it was a hot day
48034. View out from the cave entrance ...
48035. ... and towards the inside. The cave developed along a large fault, well discernible by the near-perfect slanted wall on the left.
48036. Another view of the wall, with the cave entrance upper left ...
48048. ... and the wall up close.
48037. Yellow algae in water drops on the ceiling - properly illuminated, from the side, they give an impression that golden dust was sprinkled over the rock.
48038. After about 200 meters the cave tunnel, mostly in east-west direction, gets closed by the wall of calcite flowstone formations depicted here.
48039. Calcite drapery at the northern side of the last hall, ...
48040. ... more calcite pillars ...
48041. ... and an elongated set of ice-cream-scoop-like formations.
48042. Heaps of calcite forms flew from the corner upper right down into the hall, forming pans on the way. After prolonged rain they would be filled with water, which also gave the cave its name: vodenica = watermill.
48043. After a dry summer the pans are mostly dry - here is one of rare exceptions.
48045. Flowstone covered rock with a plate, resembling crocodile's upper jaw, on top
48046. Some 70 meters back along (just above) the trail to the entrance there is a small pit - another cave entry, here seen as an opening in the hall ceiling.
48047. View from the tunnel bend towards the entrance
48050. Ludvik, seated above the cave entrance
48051. A scarab beetle ...
48052. ... and a butterfly on the rock in the trail
48054. Relief in the side of the round stone wall, part of village water reservoir cover, dated 1827.
48055. Reflection in the reservoir water surface, of the cover grid with phone camera (center left)
48056. A small snack, on the bench opposite the village water reservoir
48057. The grave of a prominent DZRJL (Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society) member Matjaž Puc - Tužak (its president from 1971 to 1972), and of his beloved, Veselka Šorli - Puc. On the tombstone he is marked as a nature conservationist and diplomat and she as a academy-trained painter. He was always a very spiritual mind, and during the second, non-caving part of his life, decided to solve his problems with a very active participation in the religion of the official church.
Related posts:
Kokotov rov / Koko's Passage in Vranja jama Cave, IV, August 5
Volče, August 12
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on August 9, 2020; date of the last change: September 7, 2020.