Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2020.
48385. The worksite under the wall is now protected from rain by a large tarp.
48389. The tools: bucket on a rope, mason's pan, a small crowbar
48386. The bucket needed an extra help to pass over the supporting beam which protects the collapse.
48387. Larger stones could be flipped from the bucket back onto the digger, so we pulled them out tied to a rope.
48388. View from the bottom of the tunnel towards the surface
48391. At the top of the shelter, just before the rain, a new galvanized sheet metal roofing was installed. The pieces are just under a meter wide and six meters long.
48390. Here is a view of the entire roof from the northeast corner ...
48392. ... which, up close, looks like this (the front edging has not been added yet).
Related posts:
Velika buža Cave, September 23
Skednena jama Cave, October 3
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on October 6, 2020; date of the last change: February 19, 2022.