Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Boybuloq 2021
From Dehibolo to the Base camp

August 3, 2021, 33 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of the most visible expedition members, depicted in the pictures: Evgenij Sakulin - Ženja, Vasilij Samsonov - Vasja and Mitja Mršek.
          The page, text and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2021.


49897. Islam, from a village to the southeast of Dehibolò, returning from Chul-Bair



49898. The trail west crosses the gentle slope around the village before it cuts ...



49900. ... into the mountain wall.



49902. The trail is in places very rugged, of smooth and slippery stones.



49903. View back to the village with its (irrigated) orchards and the trail



49904. Two loaded pack donkeys, with Ženja and Vasja



49906. After the trail hits the southwestern, gentler slope of the ridge, it levels up and also gets wider.



49909. A donkey, loaded with hay, comes the opposite way, ...



49908. ... heading a small caravan. Hodjà-Gur-Gur-Atà (Father of all caves) mountain ridge is covering the horizon.



49910. The trail was more or less horizontal, until ...



49912. ... it descended considerably, to cross a canyon. Here the caravan is ascending from the bed of the gorge.



49913. Donkeys did not have a saddle, but old bedding, fixed with ropes and fabric bands, for protection against hard-edged luggage.



49914. After about four hours on the road the first rest took place. Donkeys were given some semi-dry grass, ...



49915. ... while people sheltered in the shadow of this large cypress. It was hot and everybody carried two 1.5 l bottles of water.



49916. The way upwards did not have a singular trail, we crossed a shrubby slope with sparse trees.



49917. Thorny shrub with red stone fruit, small but tasty



49918. A bed of white flowers, but also with very sharp needles



49919. One of the canyons which cross the slope.



49920. The second and the last rest on a plain, grassy in the spring, at about 2.700 meters above sea level, close to the point where Boybuloq and Višnevskij caves meet.



49921. Mitja with the donkey he took care of



49924. A rocky grotto, seemingly burnt from the inside, as if it would be of volcanic origin.



49923. Here it is seen from the inside out.



49925. Play of light below the Hodjà-Gur-Gur-Atà ridge, as if the wind were swirling dust.



49927. Closer to the Base camp location we followed the southeastern edge of a canyon, with a small ridge on the right side.



49928. Here and there there was an opening in the rock strata, ...



49930. ... as a cave or cavern.



49931. In places the ridge side broke down into rocks, ...



49933. ... sometimes quite big, as on this photo with Ženja, and the author's walking stick.



49936. Not only people, the donkeys were also quite weary at the end, would prefer pasture over going uphill.



Caravan guides and escorts, from Dehibolo:

4939. Halid,
4937. Rezvon, both sons of Sadik

49940. and Firdavs

49941. Rest after the arrival at the camp site (eatery) at 3000 m above sea level, in the second biggest canyon which is extending from below the entrance of Višnevskij cave on the Chul-Bair ridge down its southwestern slope.



Related posts:



  Boybuloq 2021 : Getting to Dehibolo, July 31 - August 3     Boj-Bulok 2021 : Introduction     Boybuloq 2021 : The canyon, August 4 - 5  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on September 3, 2021; date of the last change: September 29, 2024.
