Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size,
numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Full names of expedition participants, depicted in the pictures or
mentioned in their descriptions: Vladimir Dolgij - Volodja, Valentin Gordienko,
Arnauld Malard, Laurence Baudoux d'Hautefeuille, Larisa Pozdnjakova and Artëm Šabaršin.
The page, text and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2021.
50097. Belyauty pass in the morning shadows
50098. Furrowed karst slope with the entire Hodja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge in the background, from Katataš (left) to Belyauty pass (right)
50102. Volodja and Valentin departing to today's mission
50117. Solitary rock, leaning on the canyon wall, above the trail to the water source
50118. Larisa and Artëm, well loaded with caving gear, are walking uphill the inclined rock plate. Getting from 3000 to 3540 meters above sea level with weight on your shoulders is no walk in the park. The Voronka shortcut would not only cut the access time to the bottom of Višnevskij by two thirds, to one day but would also eliminate this climb.
50119. Views from the ridge are really far-reaching and magnificent. View to the east-northeast shows traces of a green volcanic layer in the mountain.
50120. View more to the south, to Tajikistan and Afghanistan, is more hazy, would be better after the rain.
50121. View to the south, with the jagged ridge wall in the shadow ...
50122. ... and to the north, with the next rock tower, some 3600 m above sea level
50126. Another view to the south, from higher ground, with Chul-Bair slope also visible, and the Hodja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge, from Katataš to the north (upper right).
50127. Larisa is preparing for the descent into the entrance of Višnevskij cave, the third deep shadow from the left.
50128. Here she is on the edge of the ridge ...
50130. ... and here she descends the first stretch, 4 m down to the shelf in the wall.
50131. Large rock plate of the ridge and its crumbling foot
50132. Chamomile-like flower, there was no rain since May.
50133. A cascading flower with white blossoms, like the ones found on retaining walls.
50134. A triangular indentation in the rock wall
50136. At the highest point reached, at an elevation of about 3700 meters above sea level, an hour on foot uphill from the Višnevskij cave entrance (there is a nice trail), this view opened towards the top of the ridge, at an altitude of over 3800 meters. At least half an hour more, too much for today.
50137. View back along the ridge, to the south-southwest
50138. A selfie, in the blinding sun
50141. View to Tajikistan, across a fault in the ridge
50142. Light-grey limestone, a sorrel, probably shield-leaf sorrel, Rumex scutatus, in the sun
50143. Broken stone plate below the top of the ridge
50145. Semi dried little flowers are basking in the sunlight, contre-jour ...
50144. ... an a meadow north of this little ridge, running from the edge downhill, with Katataš on the horizon.
50146. Another flat (lime)stone, carved by the precipitation
50147. Katataš and its foothills in the shades of the evening sun, view across the slope
50149. Little shrub ...
50148. ... heaps dot the landscape.
50150. Carved rock plate which separated from the little ridge above the base camp canyon ...
50151. ... and top of that ridge, a furrowed stone pavement
Related posts:
Boybuloq 2021 : Mitja's cave and Voronka ice cave, August 11
Boj-Bulok 2021 : Introduction
Boybuloq 2021 : From the Base camp to Dehibolo, August 13
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on September 21, 2021; date of the last change: September 24, 2021.