Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size,
numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Full names of expedition participants, depicted in the pictures or
mentioned in their descriptions:
Larisa Pozdnjakova, Vasilij Samsonov - Vasja and Vadim Loginov.
The page, text and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2021.
50152. View of the Belyauty pass through a fault in the southern side of the canyon wall, close to the camp's female toilet
50153. Halid and the two pack donkeys are crossing the other side of a shallow canyon. Halid took the upper route on the way back to Dehibolo, a route which saved us considerable time and effort as it did not include any long, deep descent on the slope - a descent which would require a long ascent on the other side. We were four, Halid as a guide, Larisa and Vasja, who had to return home earlier and Klok. He wanted to write an article about the Dehibolo village and needed a few days there to collect the relevant knowledge. Vadim gave him a choice, to go today with Larisa and Vasja, to stay in the village for a day or two and return to the camp or to leave the camp a day or two before the end of expedition. As it was difficult to estimate how much time would be necessary in Dehibolo, Klok chose the first option.
50154. View up the canyon which we crossed ...
50155. ... and an opposite view, downhill
50156. Here ...
50157. ... we crossed ...
50162. ... a narrow and deep canyon over ...
50159. ... a very cleverly built bridge.
50160. There was very little, ...
50161. ... almost no material used which would not come from the immediate vicinity.
50163. Due to very arid climate the wood used will last, and the bridge also blends perfectly in its surrounding.
50165. In places the trail split in several parallel directions and the loaded donkeys instinctively chose the best option.
50166. Any shadow was most welcome
50169. Valley with Alyachapan settlement, the end of Hodja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge with Belyauty pass in the background. The last stretch of Višnevskij cave develops in the direction of the Alyachapan valley.
50170. Four donkeys on pasture
50171. View of Katataš and Hodja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge, across the valley with the village Kurgancha
50172. The slope at the southwestern tip of the Chul-Bair ridge, where the trail hits the mountain wall in the south.
50173. On a rocky section of the trail which traverses the ridge wall
Related posts:
Boybuloq 2021 : Chul-Bair ridge above the Višnevskij cave, August 12
Boj-Bulok 2021 : Introduction
Boybuloq 2021 : Dehibolo, August 14 and 15
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on September 24, 2021; date of the last change: January 8, 2022.