Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of the most visible people in the photos: Boris Capuder, Gašper Kanoni, Matic Di Batista, Špela Borko, Janez Ileršič - Ile, France Šušteršič and Jurij Kunaver, Metod Di Batista, Jernej Petrovčič - Jerko, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Marjan Baričič and Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar (Gardener).
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2021.
50597. Participants in the farewell at the mortuary, listening to the guitar strings and the voices of the Prijatelji (Friends) ensemble from Koper.
50598. Beginning of the procession on the road in front of the entrance to the cemetery
50599. People at the grave, on the south-east corner of the cemetery
50600. Before and after thirteen honorary shots, a hunting horn was to be heard
50601. A hunter with an empty rifle is departing from the farewell
50602. Janez's classmate and neighbor Boris
50603. Open grave ...
50604. ... with Žan's recently taken, beautifully crafted portrait
50605. Son Gašper with his father's caving helmet
50606. Matic ...
50607. ... and Špela
50608. Ile, France and Jurij
50609. Metod, Jure, Jerko, Manč and Marjan
50610. Andrej
Related posts:
Radošca 2 cave, August 25
Lanski vrh, October 28
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on January 16, 2022; date of the last change: January 22, 2024.