Most images are approximately 683 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Cave-related names were often given by the author. Claudio Bratos is mentioned in the descriptions.
The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.
52039. View from the front of the Main hall towards the exit (center right). It is a new try of the photo 52037 (January 28, 2023), with different illumination. In 52037 drawing with light was performed only from the front, while the lighting in depth, behind the front three stalacgmite heaps, was done with lamps hidden behind the heaps and in the exit (exposure time 25 seconds). In this photo the exposure time was two minutes, the light source was just one LED reflector, with which the author walked around the picture and, when he would be visible in the picture, only had a small, dimmed light, turned down to the floor, hidden behind his body, away from the lens. Photo is better than 52037 but the contrast between foreground and background is still not good enough. One more photo visit of the cave will be required.
52043 and 52044. View from approximately the same standpoint further down the Severni rov / North tunnel (a collage of two photos)
52045. The brook ponors (sinkholes) are hidden in the bushes below the northeast edge of this large meadow, here seen from the east.
52046. A little north of the cave, the brook was still flowing and just before the sinking ...
52050. ... also made this ...
52049. ... little lake.
52052. A bit to the right (to the east), across some rocks a dry stone brook bed can be reached, which ends with several narrow crevices, sinkholes. View from the largest, the cave entrance, back along the brook bed.
52051. The entrance is a three-meter drop that ...
52053. ... Claudio equipped with six steps made from concrete iron rods. Since the rocks were in places covered with ice, the author added a rope just in case.
52054. Icicles on the west side, below the entrance
52055. A little further down the tunnel is another, slightly smaller drop with four steps.
52056. A few more icicles ...
52057. ... at the bend of the tunnel, a view towards the exit
52058. The continuation of the tunnel was quite low. The author did have knee pads, but in his rucksack and as the time was in short supply he decided to return.
52059. On the way back it was already night, it was cold and the moon shone even brighter.
Related posts:
Mačkovica and Jezerina, 28 January
Jezerina, 11 February
This page, text and photos
by Primož Jakopin - Klok,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on 7 February 2023 and last changed on 14 February 2023.