Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Mačkovica and Jezerina
Signatures and Queen Mother of Matarsko podolje caves

28 January, 21 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Cave-related names were often given by the author. Jožek Košir - Cox, Claudio Bratos and Stojan Sancin are mentioned in the descriptions.

          The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.




52012. Rocks in the entrance of the cave, a little deeper, view towards the surface



52013. The top of the stalactite opposite the stalagmite Samotar (Solitary Man). Except in dry weather, a small water stream from the ceiling flows over it.



52014, 52017 - 52020. The oldest inscriptions in Mačkovica, in Mala dvorana (the Little Hall), from 1880. In the first photo, the inscriptions are lit from the high right side, while the next four are lit straight from the left, from above, from the right and from below. A click on any image shows it in a resolution of 2048 by 1536 pixels. Igor from Idrija managed to decipher the signatures as follows:
1st line: Janez, 2nd line: Borštnar, 3rd line: Marko Kremenšek, 4th line: Jože Poženel.
Cox managed to identify the first two signatures in the same way.



52021. View from the Little hall into the Connection tunnel which leads towards Dimnik (the Chimney)



52022. View from the Entrance hall towards the surface





52023. A well-trodden path leads to the cave, which forks off to the left up the slope from the left road a hundred paces north of the first intersection at the bottom of the valley. It takes ten minutes of very moderate walking to get to the cave. As can be seen from the photo, the entrance, although it is under a wall and by no means small, is not visible from the trail until you are right in front of it.



52024. Window into the South tunnel of the cave, at the left side, above the entrance



52025. View of the entrance (vertical drop one and a half meters high) and of the beginning of the North tunnel



52027. The drop is equipped with a metal ladder on a small stone platform. However, the author added a 15 m rope (10 m would have been enough), because the inclined shelf above the ladder is rather slippery.



52029. View from the South tunnel hall to the entrance and to the window above it. On the south side of this tunnel is a narrow passage where Claudio and Stojan were trying to connect the cave to Mitja's cave, many years ago. Claudio was in Mitja's cave, Stojan in Jezerina, and they were widening a fissure with a strong draught. After a few hours of digging, they could hear each other and could also talk. Claudio then left a pickaxe and a mace in Mitja's cave, thinking that they would finish the work very soon, but destiny had other plans ...



52028. Entrance to the cave from the beginning of the North tunnel



52037. View from the front of the Main hall towards the exit (center right)



52035. The view from the Main hall of the Northern tunnel towards the stalactite wall that ends the cave a little further. The passage to "backstage" is in the center right.



52032. View from "backstage" towards the passage to the Main hall



52030. Calcite concretions in the middle of the slope towards the top of the "backstage", view back



52034. The passage from the top of the "backstage" West room, to the path to the Main hall...



52033. ... and West room from the same place, view to the west. It is the end of the cave.



Related posts:



  From Lanski vrh to Materija, 19 and 21 January     Jezerina and Ponikve v Jezerini caves, 1 February  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin - Klok, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on 7 February 2023 and last changed on 9 February 2023.
