Primož Jakopin, photo diary

From Lanski vrh to Matarsko podolje
Two easy-going caves

19 and 21 January, 9 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of cave parts were often given by the author. Vladimir Levašov participated at Materija, Claudio Bratos and Stojan Sancin are also mentioned.

          The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.


Lanski vrh, January 19


51989. Članska vas shelter in the snow



51990. A sparse beech forest, it has not recovered yet after the sleet disaster in February 2014.



51991. Snow turban on a tall spruce stump



Materija, January 19


51992. On the forest trail in the pine forest, in search of Gregorečeva jama and Albinova ledenica (Albin's ice cave)



51993. View of the entrance from the outside ...



51995. ... and from the inside. Another, much smaller entrance can be seen to the left of the main one.



51996. View of the entrance hall from the east end, the entrance to the cave is on the upper right.



51994. At the bottom there is a short narrow passage where Claudio and Stojan used to dig years ago, but had to give up.



51998. The entrance is large, just below the edge of the collapse doline. The continuation is a slope that turns into a five-meter drop. On the right side, it can be bypassed by a slowly climbing half-meter wide ledge next to the wall. A ledge it is, but the one best described by the saying: He who is not a bird should not walk over abysses..



Related posts:



  From Tkalca jama to Radošca 2, 11 and 12 January     Mačkovica and Jezerina caves, 28 January  


This page, text and photos Vladimir Levašov) by Primož Jakopin - Klok, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on 6 February 2023 and last changed on 7 February 2023.
