Most images are approximately 768 by 1024 pixels. At the beginning of the descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files.
Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.
52494. A three-meter drop with waterfalls on the Črni potok (Black brook) some two hundred meters before ...
52493. ... the place where the brook ...
52482. ... joins Iška river. Here, the forest road ends with a platform for trucks, which branches off the Zala - Osredek paved road just before Osredek, down to the right. Iška can be seen on the far left side of the photo.
52479. View from the edge of the platform to the north, downstream the Iška river. A pond with waterfalls is in this direction, so this trail is also a usual route for visitors. The trail runs along the edge of the riverbed or on the low terraces above it and occasionally crosses the riverbed. The water level was still elevated after the prolonged rains, and the crossing required wading almost up to the knees. The water was not exactly warm, it would be nicely described as pleasantly refreshing, but the feet got used to it, especially since they were warmed up again on the other bank, in the sun. Before the third such crossing, where the water was flowing at its fastest and the stones in it were slippery, a retreat proved to be the most appropriate solution.
52480. If there was no luck downstream, maybe going upstream would do better. There is less water in this direction, without the share contributed by Črni potok, and the riverbed is therefore also more shallow. View from the beginning of the trail to the north, back to the south, upstream along the Iška. Črni potok flows from the right, a little below the center of the photo.
52481. The first rapids
52483. Ligularia sibirica, in flower from July
52484. The storm knocked this beech over the riverbed. With a slightly longer cane, the natural bridge gets passable.
52485. Play of light and shadow with sun on the rapids
52486. After less than a kilometer and a few rather straightforward river crossings, the trail to the large pool with the waterfall, two more bends to go, was also a little too demanding at this water level. It was time to return.
52487. In many places, the path runs along the terrace next to the water, about half a meter above it, with a lush forest and an occasional glade.
52488. Male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas, not the most famous fern in Slovenia, but the most common one.
52489. Breakfast on the sand: bread, cheese, onion, half a melon, banana, boiled grapes of own production (stored in jars for the winter) with hot water.
52490. In addition to the main river bed (in the background), the river also took a smaller bypass across the terrace.
52492. Cutleaf waterparsnip, Berula erecta
Related pages:
Lanski vrh, May 21
Lp 2 cave, June 18
This page, text and photos by
Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
The page was initiated on June 7, 2023 and last modified July 4.