Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Lp 2
The queen of Lipica karst

18 June 2023, 21 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of several cave parts were given by the author. Vladimir Levašov greatly contributed to the success of this trip, he is depicted in several photos, Jaka Jakofčič and Darjo Pajk also participated, while Stojan Sancin and Claudio Bratos are mentioned in the text.

          The full name of the cave is Lp 2 (Lipica) and it is locked. For a visit contact Jamarsko društvo Sežana (Sežana Caving Club), at

          The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023, except for the photos VL18, VL19 and VL20 which are the work of Vladimir Levašov, who is also the copyright holder (published with his permission).


Retovje, June 17


52524. View upstream of the spring under the climbing wall, just before it joins the waters coming from Veliko and Malo okence springs.



Lp 2, June 18


52528. A barely visible path branches off from the forest track, into sparse forest with large rocks.



52529. The path winds from the edge of the collapse doline towards the bottom.



VL18. Jaka (taking photo with a cell-phone) and Darjo on the path to the cave entrance



52530. View from the entrance up the collapse doline wall



52531. View from the entrance across the doline, to the west



52532. View from the inside of the entrance to the surface



52533. View from the chamber above the inner pit to the bottom of the entrance pit. In 1999 Claudio and Stojan put a lot of effort into opening the entrance and widening the pit, and now Jaka is helping Claudio to make the descent less demanding.



52548. Curly wall with flowstone narrow pillars closely resembling filigree carved ivory, with vertically strung repeating motifs of African elephants on the front side



52552. From the wall on the left side of the passage upwards from the bottom of the entrance hall, thin slanted stalactites, almost helictite-like, curl down from the ceiling.



52549. One of the most beautiful stalactite columns in the cave, at the entrance to the inner parts of the Main tunnel



VL19. Stalactite decorations under the cracks in the ceiling, through which seeps the water saturated with limestone.



52551. Colonnade behind the passage



52534. Multi-storey harmony of stalactite columns on the left side of the passage



52536. Vladimir climbs from the rebelay above the inner pit to the chamber below the entrance shaft.



52535. One-winged insects from the surface, on the cave wall



52537. Looking up the chimney above the step



52538. Climbing the entrance pit



VL20. Klok learns a new way to coil the rope.



52540. In the entrance to the cave, completing de-rigging of the pit



52541. Rocky land on the way back



Related posts:



  On Iška river around the mouth of Črni potok, June 7     Mt. Kanin, July 2  


This page, text and photos (except VL18, VL19 and VL17, which are the work of Vladimir Levašov) by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on 3 July 2023 and last changed on 4 July 2023.
