Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Mt. Kanin
The entrance of Skalarjevo brezno

July 2, 2023, 15 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants (mostly from the ISAY 2023 - International Speleo Academy for the Young), depicted in the pictures and related persons: Aleš Stražar, Julija Timoševska (Юлія Тимошевська), Anastazija Fedotova (Анастасія Федотова) - Nastja and Marija Fedotova (Марія Федотова) - Maša, Miroslava Hredil (Мирослава Греділь), Borut Korošin, Luka Bulovec, Damjan Potrpin, Vladislav Marenič (Владислав Маренич) - Vlad, Bogdan Bovt (Богдан Бовт), Roman Humenjuk (Роман Гуменюк), Mara Strojan in Tadej Matjan. For greater accuracy Cyrillic names were romanized according to Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic.
          The pictures are not many, just as there was little time. It was necessary to catch the last Kanin cable car ride from D station to the valley at 4 p.m., and it also takes about an hour to get from the cave to the D station. But it was still a unique experience, made possible, in many ways, by Julija and Aleš. And not just this time.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.


52585. The control panel of the now electrified freight cable car, which connects the saddle above the D station of the Mt. Kanin cable car with the Peter Skalar alpine hut (on the control panel it is labeled just as hut - koča). Five minutes drive in a basket instead of three-quarters of an hour of difficult (a large down and up section, some climbing) footpath in high summer and more than an hour when the snow has not yet melted completely. In such case the upper path is called for, a detour. There is no control panel on the hut side, and the writer of these lines, who had no previous experience with freight cable cars, Helped by telephone instructions from Domen, who was at the hut side, successfully moved first an empty basket from the cabin to the saddle, and then a full one from the saddle to the hut. The party of young cavers from Domžale with their escorts didn't have to carry ten backpacks, some of them quite heavy.



52586. The party got a little lost in the fog and on the way back from the wrong ridge we also bypassed some hollows with snow. In the photo - Mara and Tadej under the natural bridge of snow and ice.



52587. Ibex, Capra ibex, resting on a grass mat

52554. Peter Skalar alpine hut, view from the east



52555. Maša and Vlad at the entrance to Skalarjevo brezno



52557. The cave entrance opens up into a room that leads to the first, 50-meter pit. Roman assisted with flash lighting on the right.



52558 and 52559. Nastja and Vlad in front of the entrance to Skalarjevo brezno. A click on a portrait shows it on Wikimedia Commons.

52589. Maša, Bogdan and Miroslava under the wall, east of the entrance



52590. View from the southwest across the ridge, on the northeast side of which is the entrance to Skalarjevo brezno. In the background is Mt. Prestreljenik, 2498 m.



52591. Fog of low clouds drifted across the Kanin plateau, and the sun peeked through from time to time. View from the ridge above the cave to the west.

52592. View from the short via ferrata on the path to Visoki Kanin towards the D station of the Kanin cable car (2,202 m)



52593. The luxury of a leafy forest at the bend where the road to Krnica diverges from the road that leads from B station to the southwest. The place is perfect for a snack in the vicinity of the B station.



52594. Bird's-foot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus

52595. Southern green shield bug, Nezara viridula, on a blossom of ox-eye, Buphthalmum salicifolium, in Slovenian it is known as vrbovolistni primožek.



Related posts:



  Lp 2 cave, June 18     The caves Tkalca jama and Skednena jama,, July 8 and 12  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on July 5 and last changed August 3, 2023.
