Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Polona Planina helped the author at the Pod stenami trip, while Metod Di Batista, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Andrej Puc - Fofr, Marko Vogrič - Mare and Rok Brajkovič - Brajko took part in the excursion to Radošca 3 on February 15. Jožek Košir - Cox also gave a small contribution.
Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.
53260. Viljem Putik's, he is the father of speleology in Slovenia, greeting to Planinska dolina from 1889, in the wall above the East Katavotron
53264. Two digging directions in Radošca 3 had already been abandoned, the third, in which Manč is currently working, looks more promising. On the rope on the right hangs the author's today's acquisition, a double (2 x 5 W) wide-angle LED floodlight.
53265. Metod and Brajko at the entrance to the site. Mare went to Radošca 2 to get another bucket and to measure the air temperature there. At the bottom of Radošca 2 (23 m deep), he measured 6.2 °C, which indicates the absence of a draft, and in the Secret Entrance of Mama Luša (SVML), southeast of Radošca 2, it was 8 degrees C. He also observed water droplets on the ceiling of the entrance. Both indicate good ventilation at this former Cox site in the Radešček collapse doline. In addition, in Radošca 2 marko heard Manč's digging today, which also indicates that all the sites belong to the same cave.
53266. Fofr, the indispensable member of the veteran family
53281. A small red mushroom, probably a crimson cup, Sarcoscypha coccinea, on a fallen, decaying trunk on the trail to the cave, under the 50-meter-high wall above the entrance.
53283. View from Suhi rov [the Dry tunnel] towards the Entrance Hall
53284. View towards the interior of the Dry tunnel
53293. Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis
53295. On the trail, in the collapse doline above the cave, already near the wall above the entrance, a dry broken spruce trunk was found. It must have fallen from the top of the wall.
53296. View from the beginning of Vodni rov [the Water tunnel] towards the Entrance Hall
53298. Unica river has already retreated back into the riverbed in Planinsko polje, but the water level remains to be high, in Vodni rov it is still quite a few meters above the siphon level of dry weather.
53299. Rocks along the path from the cave, which follows the eastern wall of the Entrance hall.
Related pages:
Skednena jama and Pod stenami, January 11 and 13, 2024
Lanski vrh, March 3, 2024
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
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Page initiated on May 10, 2024; date of the last change: May 18, 2024.