Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Križna jama and Najdena jama
Smooth and sharp indentations on cave surfaces

April 13, 18 and 25, 2024, 16 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
          The purpose of the trip to Križna jama was primarily the detailed determination of the place for the "Joy of Life" scene at the lake brook ponor, in Najdene jama the aim was to photograph the in Piparski rov from the Second Passage onwards.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


Ponor in Križna jama, April 13


53473. View from the path to the bend of the cave brook (Jezerski potok), where it disappears into Ponor

Dežman's tunnel


53477. Niche above the foot of the waterfall at the end of the tunnel, lit from several places to emphasize the relief



53481. Upstream view of the waterfall

53482. View of the lake below the foot of the waterfall, in the direction of the tunnel's end

53483. View upstream, to the north along the main hall of Dežman's tunnel, across a shallow lake

53484. Conglomerate surface on top of a large rock in the passage towards the beginning of the tunnel

53485. That the conglomerate layer is thin is confirmed by this photo of the whole rock.



Najdena jama, April 18


53492. View from the north, to one of the most alluring motifs in Piparski tunnel, the crocodiles. This is how the first explorers called the dolomite knives, which the ravages of time have spared, while their limestone surroundings are no longer present. The emphasis is on lighting from the front to the right, without the extra. Click on a photo, followed by one more, will show it in full resolution.

53496. The same motif, only with light directed at the crocodiles, and with an extra. Lighting was the extra's headlamp at quarter power, four identical 10W LED floodlights, one to obliquely illuminate the first four crocodiles (the third and fourth are fused together), all at half power, the other three at quarter power. Two were on the floor, two were hanging by ropes from the protrusions in the ceiling. The fifth one (8 W), a different brand and of a slightly warmer color, unfortunately could not be used - the color temperature changes with distance and it was already a bit too yellow. The clay in the tunnel, as Tomaž Planina liked to say, ruthlessly devours the light, yet if there is enough of it, as in the photo, the clay starts to shine.



53497. End of the fifth, last crocodile, close-up.

53499. A little lake at the intersection where the Borisov rov branches off from the Piparski rov (bottom left). View north.



Najdena jama, April 25


53506. View down the tunnel, to the north, towards a large flowstone hill, the largest in Piparski rov. The rope hanging from the side rock in the middle of the picture helps the visitors to pass the submerged trail when the water level is a little lower than it was today.

53509. Art statement, a three-stroke smiley, in the clay coating of the wall a little to the south of the previous scene, on the west wall of the hall with the dinosaur tail. The animal in the lower part of the picture is the giant cave woodlouse, Titanethes albus.



53507. View of the flowstone waterfalls at the end of this part of the tunnel

53511. Lower middle of previous image, rocks, stalactites and water stream



53514. Dinosaur (more precisely, brontosaurus) tail formed by water flow from the clay in the middle of the tunnel

Related pages:



  Medvedjak, Jezerina and Najdena jama, March 30 amd April 4, 2024     Petnjak, May 2, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on June 29, 2024; date of the last change: June 30, 2024.
