Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Sleeping Beauty of Škocjan

May 2, 2024, 22 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The names of cave parts were sometimes given by the author. Made with participation of Jaka Jakofčič, Matevž Hreščak, Tomaž Jančič, Grega Sarka and David Piščanec.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


53522. View from the Entrance Hall of the cave towards the Petnjak collapse doline - the path winds along the right side of the photo.

53520. View from the plateau above the bottom of the Entrance Hall, where the tunnel to the work site (in the direction of Notranjska Reka underground river) begins, towards the collapse doline.

53516. Before departing to the digging site (all except the author): Grega, Klok, Tomaž, David, Matevž and Jaka.

53524. Flowstone heaps on the south side of the Entrance Hall, where the passage to Kapniški rov (Flowstone Tunnel) is hidden

53525. A large niche in the southern wall of the hall, near the entrance to the Flowstone Tunnel

53530. Stalactite wall on the upper side of the Kapniški rov, without a human figure ...

53528. ... and with it

53531. White flowstone stream above the beginning of the Kapniški rov; it was not possible to fit a person on the photo, the climbing would have been too demanding.

53537. Calcite column at the end of the tunnel, view from the back end

53539. Calcite organ on the western wall of the tunnel, just before the end

53542. A pair of stalactite columns in the immediate vicinity

53544. A stalagmite - calcite straw pair

53546. View of the cave entrance from the collapse doline

53547. Black ash slug, Limax cinereoniger, the largest land snail in the world

53548. Mossy sandwort, Moehringia muscosa

53549. View across the collapse doline to the east

53551. Hairy greenweed, Genista pilosa

53552. David came from Koper, with all the equipment, just by bicycle

53553. View of the forest trail that passes the western edge of the collapse, towards the south

53554. A signpost of the way to the collapse doline and the cave.

53555. Matevž

53556. Grega

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  Križna jama and Najdena jama, April 13, 18 and 25, 2024     Najdena jama, May 9, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on July 5, 2024; date of the last change: July 23, 2024.
