Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Jama v Škofjem lomu
Hidden underground wilderness of the valley Babni dol

June 20 and 27, 2024, 21 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
          On June 20 Metod Di Batista, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Marjan Baričič, Andrej Puc - Fofr, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Jure Kunaver and Polona Planina (June 20) kept the author company in the shelter Članska vas, on the occasion of the excursion related to Radošca 3 cave, while Marjan Baričič, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo and Marko Vogrič - Mare were present, in very similar circumstances, on June 27. France Šušteršič was the author's guide during the trip to Pušča.
          Laški Ravnik is an ample (20 km2) karst plateau east of the village Laze and northeast of Ivanje selo. In contrast to Laze, which hides two large caves on its outskirts, the 5 km long Logarček plus the 1 km long Mačkovica, and Lanski vrh to the west, with its abundance of caves, headed by the 5 km long Najdena jama, in the much larger Laški Ravnik no noteworthy caves have been discovered so far. Despite the circumstantial evidence of underground water streams, flowing in several directions below Ravnik, apart from several smaller pits and a few very large collapse dolines (Laška kukava, Rakovska kukava), the only cave that reaches the 85-meter-deep floodwaters is Brezno near Farbar's hunting tower (Brezno pri Farbarjevem štantu). And even that cave has the reputation of harboring the narrowest and the most muddy passages far around. Pušča, especially close to France Šusteršič's heart, is the least explored part of the Laški Ravnik.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


Jama v Škofjem lomu, June 20


53764. View from the meadow south of the cave, across the dry riverbed of Unica, towards Jakovica hill. In the background, to the right is Planinska gora.

53765. The entrance to the cave was cleared of debris by the author in May, but the subsequent flood again closed it.

53766. During the removal of driftwood, this snail house was brought to light.

53768. Half an hour later, above the eastern wall of the entrance gorge, this pile grew slowly, ...

53767. ... and the entrance was free and open again. The poles on the author's shoulder are not for fishing or planting beans, as passers-by have once guessed, but to carry LED floodlights on top during photography in the cave. Higher positioning of lights provides more natural and more even illumination.

53773. View from the end of the artificial tunnel that leads from the sinkhole opening in the Babni dol valley to the north, towards the upper part of the Entrance Hall, to the bottom of the 15-meter abyss, the original cave entrance. It is situated in the slope of the northern edge of Planinsko polje.

53772. View back from the top of the Entrance Hall to the south, towards the entrance in the meadow

53774. View to the south, towards Jakovica hill, from the intersection of field tracks in Babni dol

Pušča (pron. Pooshchah) in Laški Ravnik


53775. Pušča is a name of an area in the large forested plateau Laški Ravnik, southeast of the village Laze. The word pušča in Slovenian is used for an area in the forest, left for years to recover after a natural disaster or extensive logging. In the photo: Black Rock (Črna skala), at the roadside southeast of the Gladovec collapse doline, at the northwest end of Pušča. France's sneaker is added for measure.

53779. Approximately 820 meters east of the bottom of the Gladovec doline and 680 meters south, at the bottom of this collapse doline, its slopes are not particularly steep, is the most promising blowhole (possible cave entrance) in Pušča. It has been excavated by the members of the Rakek Caving Society for several years. A small stream flows into it after heavy rains. It is a very promising but clearly a long-term digging worksite.

53777. A view of the entrance a little closer...

53778. ... and up close. The entrance is walled and a pipe winds along it, probably for drainage.

Jama v Škofjem lomu, June 27


53782. Along the forest track that connects Članska vas with the road Kališka cesta...

53783. ... Marjan brought quite a few wheelbarrows of abandoned dry tree logs, for the cold winter times in Članska vas.

53785. View to the east along Vajzova cesta, from the intersection with Stara Trajberca forest track

53786. View to the east along Babni dol from the place where Stara Trajberca opens into Planinska polje

53787. View from in front of the wedged rock "Sword of Damocles" back towards the cave entrance

53793. View from the same standpoint to the north, towards the Entrance Hall. The wedged rock is in the middle upper side of the picture.

53794. Sword of Damocles from the North, from the Entrance Hall

53796. Strata above the siphon on the east side of the bottom of the Entrance Hall. The siphon connects the cave and the adjacent Žanova jama. The length of the water surface (from left to right) is about two meters.

53798. View along Babni dol towards the village Laze from the beginning of Stara Trajberca

Related pages:



  The cave Mt 11, June 13, 2024     Jama v Škofjem lomu, July 4, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on July 3, 2024; date of the last change: August 4, 2024.
