Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Poljane pri Podgradu
Polina peč and Poljanska skednenica

July 17, 2024, 22 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The participants were Vladimir Levašov, who has extensive credit for the creation of the photos, Ludvik Husu from Orlek, an excellent connoisseur not only of the Sežan Karst, and, last but not least, Claudio Bratos and Stojan Sancin, who prolonged both caves, the entrances of which were long known, from their modest beginnings to the largesse of today.
          The goal of the excursion was to find both caves and make a record of their outstanding features.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


Polina Peč


53830. Ludvik, while we were looking for Polina peč

53832. Above a cave entrance we also found a stone with an interesting pattern, in the end we agreed that it was of natural origin.

53833. The cave was not Polina peč, which was actually about a hundred meters to the east, it is probably Jama Juretovega vrta (The Cave of the Jure's Garden). The photo shows the view from the cave to the surface, with Vladimir.

53831. At the end of the cave is a narrow passage that leads to the surface, to another entrance.

53834. View from the Entrance Hall of Polina peč to the surface, with Vladimir. It was not possible to go into the cave beyond the entrance, the passage to the inside is gated and locked. They key can be obtained at the Institute for Nature Conservation (Zavod za varstvo narave) in Nova Gorica. From what Vladimir and I saw through the bars, the cave is well worth a visit.

53835. The search for the cave lasted for three quarters of an hour, but we got back to the forest track, as it usually happens, in a few minutes. View from the track to the trail that runs past the entrance to the cave, to the north.

53836. Another view from the same place to the south - the stones along the track are easy to remember.

53837. Marbled white, Melanargia galathea

Poljane near Podgrad


53838. The village, once with about twenty homes, today has only one permanent resident, seven homes are used as weekend cottages. In the photo - a view down the staircase that leads to the church, named after St. Anthony of Padua.

Poljanska skednenica [Poljane barn]


53839. The cave is about 660 meters from Polina peč, to the west-northwest, on the other side of the road. The search went on and on, and during it Vladimir found this unregistered ceilingless cave.

53856. The entrance to the cave is under the not particularly impressive side wall of the collapse doline.

53854. View from the entrance to the surface

53842. Male cave cricket, Troglophilus cavicola

53843. Two cave moths on a wall, possibly a species of the tissue, Triphosa dubitata

53846. The cave has two chambers with sloping floors and ceilings, both continue into a narrow strait, the second one is quite selective. Next comes a hall, which invigorates the heart and lifts the spirit. Here is a view from the hall middle towards the end, with a collapse. On top of it is a smaller, beautifully decorated chamber.

53847. The floor is almost completely flat, covered with hard, evenly cracked loam.

53848. Back view from center, entrance is in bottom center.

53849. Close-up view from the center towards the left side (viewed from the entrance to the inside) ...

53851. ... and an even wider view.

53852. Right side, just before the collapse

53853. Long-winged midges on the wall below the cave entrance

53855. Polypore mushroom, Ischnoderma benzoinum, on a decaying trunk in front of the entrance

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  Najdena jama, July 11, 2024     Zelške jame, July 27, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on August 5, 2024; date of the last change: August 7, 2024.
