Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Andrej Drevenšek, Matija Perne, Bojana Fajdiga, Gregor (Cile) and Ines Cilenšek. All graffiti measures, taken in 2019, are approximate, their position (left, right) is given according to a standpoint below the niche. Graffiti, an act of vandalism in a protected natural monument, have since been vandalised themselves (as of 2019 - overpainted with doodles, smeared with mud).
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2007.
12378. Entrance to Svinjska jama (Swine Cave) - Andrej just climbed out of the cave.
12379. At the camp fire - Andrej, Cile, Žan, Ines, Bojana and Matija
12380. Shopping cart at the edge of the right wall, 72 cm high, with a match box added for size impression
12381. A car, ghettomobile (Cirkus Gity) on the right wall, 265 cm long
12382. Title REDROOM KINGS on a white crown; the ceiling above the niche center. The crown is 188 cm long.
12383. Pinky male organ with blue wings on the ceiling above the left wall, 246 cm long
12384. Pig-face-like carnival mask, in the cave it looks like a giant sheatfish at first sight, in the middle of the niche, 201 cm total height
12385. Naked female figure, flying over a pink heart towards a small pink winged male organ, in the middle of the wall, over 2 m long
12386. Eight smileys, two sleeping ones, two smiling and four singing ones (the first four are 130 cm long, the last four 124 cm), deep inside the niche
12387. Title HALL OF FAME on the ceiling center
12388. Another shopping cart, on the ceiling above the right wall, 70 cm high
12389. Three pink-framed black upright rectangles on the ceiling at the center of the tunnel niche
12390. Black smiley on a ribbed wide stalactite at the left wall, the base was first painted in gold.
12391. View of the venue from the right side
12392. View towards the Entrance hall, from a standpoint about 10 m back from the graffiti venue
12393. Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, zvončki in Slovenian
12394. Velika jama pod stenami cave, a selfie with a view from the first bend towards the entrance
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on February 26, 2007; date of the last change: June 2, 2019.