Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
44387. A large stone (over 1 m long) in the entrance of the trail which leads to the plateau at Mali naravni most / Little Natural Bridge. It unobtrusively prevents vehicle access.
44378. View down into the hall where the trail descends to the river
44379. Upstream view from the bottom of the hall, to the next open collapsed doline
44380. View back from the same standpoint
44385. Drops of condensed water on the ceiling of a side wall niche
44384. A few steps upstream this view opens up, with a stone bridge over the Rak river ...
44381. ... from below which this selfie was made.
44382. The passable trail ends here. High water blocked access to the last open collapsed doline, the one below the Little Natural Bridge.
44383. Foam which settled in a side bay, away from the fast moving main stream.
44386. Bride's feathers, Aruncus dioicus, kresničevje in Slovenian, on top of the access trail, made on the way back. It is a herald of summer solstice and is all prepared for the warmer sunny days, to start blossoming.
44388. A trail which connects the best sights of the venue, is named after Pavel Kunaver, a great fan of Rakov Škocjan.
44390. Main Kotel spring, the water jet is close to 1 m high.
44391. View north, to the lake which the spring made ...
44389. ... and to the northeast, towards the estuary to Rak river
44392. A snack on an all too familiar stone: peach compote, cooked potato, bread and plum jam
Jama Vrvice Cave, Above the Vremska dolina Valley, May 22
Jama desno v hudourniku pod Zabrdom, June 11
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on May 29, 2019; date of the last change: June 15, 2019.