Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of the event participants depicted in the pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos, Ludvik Husu and Natalino Savi.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.
44311. Top view of the entrance with Ludvik.
44312. It is engulfed in greenery and quite ample.
44322. The entrance is in the slope, below a meadow.
44313. Closer view from the outside ...
44315. ... and from the inside out
44317. It was cloudy all day long but here and there a trickle of sunshine added gloss and spark to the scene.
44318. A short lunch replacement: corn bread, sheep yogurt, oatmeal cookies, silver tea
44319. A fern and hazel, against the light in the cave entrance, plus ...
44320. ... a twin peak of young bush offspring and climbing greenery
44323. Between waning daylight and ascending floodlight: Ludvik
44330. The side crack with strong draft, where today's excavation took place, had just one very annoying issue - this small water trickle from the ceiling.
44325. It was sipping directly onto Claudio's helmet and from there down his vest, and it was impossible to avoid. Natalino is watching from above.
44327. After the drilling was done, Claudio's small home-made pick ...
44326. ... was put to action in Natalino's hands.
44329. After a couple of hours the narrow crack was suitably deepened and widened, yet closed by the excavated stones which produced a firm floor. The extraction will happen at some drier opportunity.
44328. The team: Natalino, Ludvik and Claudio, not to mention the photographer's humble self
44321. In the immediate vicinity of the entrance, to the south of it, is a pattern of man-made walls, of unknown origin and age.
44331. Skull-like stone
44332. Above the cave entrance, to the west, is an abandoned site. After initial push Claudio and Ludvik estimated that further prospects were just not big enough.
44333. A stone flower pot
44334. Rock the pollution - an inscription on the back of Ludvik's T-shirt, from the Škocjanske jame caves cleanup in September 2018
From the Western Foot of Špilj Hill to Ledenica pri Planinci Cave, May 18
Rakov Škocjan Caving Eldorado, May 29
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on May 23, 2019; date of the last change: May 30, 2019.