Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Visit of the Pokljuka DZRJL Summer Camp Above Rudno Polje
22 July 2015, 20 pictures

Most images are approximately 533 x 800 in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of persons in the pictures: Matt, Elizabeth, Billy and Nate Covington, Riko and Rok Grecs, Metod Di Batista - Diba and Špela Borko, Aja Zamolo, Mike Patton and Nataša Sivec.
Photos taken by and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2015.


At the Camp


26603. The track to the camp, at the same time also the trail to Evklidova piščal cave, departs from the forest road east of Mt. Viševnik, at the left center of this picture.




26604. View of the track from the road




26584. The camp was not far from the road, maybe 150 m or so, at the bottom of a large forest clearing. As most of the camp participants had a long caving day behind them, followed by a prolonged evening at the campsite, its 10 tents were quite still-life like; view from the middle of the forest clearing.




26582. Closer view of the camp and its entrance - a few cosmetic touches to the name plate and its surrounding were added by the author




26602. As in many other places on Pokljuka a small marsh formed in the plain at the bottom of the clearing.




26601. Camp's kitchen - view from the north




26583. A small blowhole, some 50 m from the camp, was used as a natural refrigerator for more sensitive food.




26585. Woolly thistle, Cirsium eriophorum, in the clearing above the camp




26586. Wooly thistle's flower head, up close, with a spider




26592. Riko at the entrance of Evklidova piščal / Euclide's Whistle cave, view from the trail




26590. Matt, spiritus agens behind the Evklidova piščal, in the entrance of the cave, view from the inside




26593. The Covingtons




26596. Rok on the karren plane, parallel to that above and in the Evklidova piščal cave




26597. Three members of the DZRJL Viševnik dream team: Diba, Špela and Aja decided to use the day off for a recreational run over Veliki Selišnik and Viševnik mountains to a refreshement in a pool of a stream below the Planina Konjščica mountain pasture.




26598. Mike




26599. Nataša




26606. Large ringlet, Erebia euryale (svetlolisi rjavček in Slovenian) on an ox-eye, Buphthalmum salicifolium blossom




26608. At the return, along the forest road to Rudno polje, this unexpected big game also appeared, from the access trail to Trubarjev dah and Platonovo šepetanje caves




Mountain Stream Below Planina Konjščica, Pokljuka


26609. The idea of a mountain stream with a waterfall and a large pool below it was really inviting as Pokljuka is a karst plateau mostly devoid of streams. So the author of these lines ventured a detour there and after some 20 minutes walk from the Planina Konjščica parking lot discovered this pool in the bed of a small mountain stream below the trail. If this was the target of Diba, Špela and Aja was not known to him, a human figure would just fit in the pool.




26610. To better depict the pool size the author managed (in 10 seconds of the camera's self-timer) to squeeze himself in the picture, too.




  Trail to the Govic Cave in Bohinj / Birthday Lunch, June 30     Vela jama and Other Caves on Osorščica Mountain, Lošinj Island, July 31  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on July 22, 2015; date of counter reset and last change: February 25, 2017.
