Primož Jakopin, photo diary

The Main Brač Island Quarry at Pučišće and Its Stone

August 22, 2016, 29 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

All pictures on this page photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2016.


Jadrankamen (Adriatic Stone) Quarry in Pučišće


31674. Milk-white Brač (lime)stone is world famous - Diokletian's Palace in Split, the White House in Washington, Reichstag in Berlin, Parliament in Vienna ... were all built from it. In the picture - the front of the quarry.



31670. Cut hillside at the entrance of the quarry



31673. Stone slabs as an abstract composition - it is about 3.5 m high.



Pučišće Bay


31668. View of the bay from the central eastern shore. The bay provides an excellent protection both from Bora and from Scirocco winds.



Pučišće Cemetery


31654. The stone from the quarry at the mouth of the bay was also put to good use locally and probably the best example is the blind door at the cemetery entrance, carved in the quarry workshop; it symbolizes the tear drops. In the picture - view from the inside.



31656. Tear Drops / Solzice in Slovenian - view from the outside



31657. Tear Drops - detail



31658. A new tombstone ...



31660. ... and another one, Α and Ω



31661. Round corner staircase with the water basin in the background



31663. A grave of a boy who perished at sea



31664. A richly ornamented sarcophagus ...



31665. ... and its inscription. The stone really shines when polished or freshly carved - time and elements change the surface colour to inconspicuous grey, of almost all the stones on the island.



31666. Two tabby cats, a mother and a daughter



31667. A grave with an engraved picture (not of Brač stone)



Klesarska škola / Stone Carving School


31687. Richly ornamented school portal with a balcony



31686. The school is open for visitors in the summer mornings - sitting on a stone bench in the first floor, below another example of good school work. The dog is Zoja.



31683. Brač stone window frame



31684. A polished vase ...



31685. ... and another, whiter one



31688. A round stone window in pristine condition



31689. Girl's head on the school quay



Petrinović Family Mausoleum in the Supetar Cemetery


31695. Mausoleum of a family that made its fortune in Chile was designed by Toma Rosandić and built from 1924 to 1927 out of the Pučišće quarry stone. Rosandić is also the author of the angel sculpture on top. In the picture - view of the mausoleum, located next to the shore.



31699. Bas-relief at the door side was made by Zefferino Grassi and his son Pino from Split. They symbolize, from left to right, the cultivation of wine, grain and olives.



31702. A peek through the keyhole ...



31703. ... and another one



31696. Draw-well behind the mausoleum



31701. Its top can be opened ...



31700. ... to reveal this view inside.



  Brotun Cave on Mt. Vidova gora, August 19     Špilja Minjera / Mine Cave Near Škrip, August 23  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on August 27, 2016; date of last change August 31.
