Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures, one way or the other: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod and Tina Di Batista, Ula Jakofčič, Matija Zupan, Gregor - Stari and Marina Pintar, Marjan Baričič, Matija Perne, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Jurij Anđelić - Yeti, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jure Trenz, Primož Presetnik - Pipistrel, Anže Oblak, Mitja Prelovšek - Čot, Jože Pirnat - Jozl, Tanja Tomšič, Tine Petkovšek, Franci Gabrovšek - Franček, Janez Vengar - član Giovanni, Ana Vengar and her she-dog Jazz, Jure - Ðuro, Anita and Žan Košutnik, Tomaž Šuštar - Ikarus, Tomaž Vidali, Vojko Mahorčič - Vojc, Anton Brancelj - Ižanc, Jurij Kunaver - Vili, Lanko, Bina, Žodor and Ilija Marušič, Mira and France Šušteršič, David Škufca, Tomaž Planina.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
35596. Tine
35597. Metod
35598. Ula
35599. Tina
35600. Ižanc
35601. Modrc
35602. Manč
35603. Off time before moving on: Anže, Matija Z., Ile and Jure.
35604. Bukov kozliček, Morimus funereus on a freshly cut trunk
35605. Illustrated map of Lanski vrh with JKLM cavers and caving events, it was the main venue of society activities till 70's when the focus turned to record depths in high mountains. The map was made around 1966, signed Š. F. This copy (the original was hanging in JKLM/DZRJL premises for many years) was brought to Članska vas by Modrc, from the heritage of Tomaž Planina, and is now hanging on the inner side of the northern door. It can be clicked to get the full resolution image.
35606. Snack before going to the cave : cooked spinach and cherries (hidden below the pile), cooked chickpeas (čičerika in Slovenian), curd, bread, garlic, homemade plum jam, spinach water with aronia juice
35607. Čot. At home he was expected for lunch so he departed early.
35608. Anita and Žan K.
35609. Gregor dragged a large dry branch for the open fire on return from Radošca.
35610. Radošca 42 team: Ile, Marjan, Marina, Ðuro, Pipistrel and Gregor (on the floor, in front). 72 buckets were hauled from the lower depot to the entrance.
35611. Anže returned from the cave. Yesterday it was Friday ...
35612. Franček, Ikarus and Član Giovanni in the middle of Ičotov rov tunnel, returning from the depths
35613. Manč and Marjan in Piparski rov, just north of Druga pasaža squeeze, view south
35614. In the immediate vicinity, a group shot in available light : Tanja, Metod, Tine, Matija Z., Ula, Tina and Ižanc
35615. To better clarify who is who the shot was repeated, but with on-camera flash. The body heat also warmed up the air in the confined space so the picture is not particularly tidy either.
35616. The trail in Piparski rov is muddy to the knees, as is visible on Matija's full length portrait.
35617. He tackled the passage entrance with vigor.
35618. The entire party gathered at the Hansov kapnik stalactite - stalagmite pair, for a snack and every year's celebration where champagne is de rigueur.
35619. At the cave's most remarkable flowstone feature: Tina, Ula, Marjan, Modrc, Matija Z., Tine, Manč, Tanja, Ižanc and Metod, with some less of the Hansov k., with Tine holding the second flashlight ...
35621. ... and with some more of it, here Matija helped with illumination, as he did in the following 3 pictures, to great benefit of them all.
35624. Stopnišče / Staircase - view north
35626. Maria Theresia (tit) stalagmite
35628. View up the slope in the Šerkov rov tunnel
35629. The Marušič family below the Baldachine: Lanko and Bina with Žodor and Ilija
35631. Franček and Ikarus helped get the kids down the tunnel safely - the slope is very slippery in places.
35632. Matija Z. on the slope, close to where the via ferrata passage ends.
35634. Yeti participated in the research / survey excursion which also took place today, to lesser known and visited part of the cave, mainly chimneys above the Vipero nero syphon. He fell from the wall and landed directly on the low back. Luckily he did not break the pelvis bone but he was still in great pain. Tanja, like Yeti also versed in PBEH (Pure Bio Energy Healing) is seen here helping him ...
35635. ... close to one of the earth energy hot-spots, the cave entrance. Jozl did not go into the cave today, but also paused here. Memories, memories ...
35636. Late afternoon chat : Član Giovanni, Matija, Anže, Gregor, Ana, Vili and Tine
35637. Another bukov kozliček
35638. Matija, a smile for S., and for the camera
35639. David brought a load of DZRJL T-shirts, 7 euros a piece. Of what colour? Crnih k'o džavo / Black as the devil
35640. Jozl is explaining to Franček the latest version of his mobile Mt. Kanin cave encyclopaedia, other participants in the picture are Marina and Jazz.
35641. Mira and France
35643. Modrc prepared the main supper course - a pot of polenta and a pot of goulash ...
35644. ... supplemented by a pot of wheat mush by Žan, here it is boiling on a gas cooker ...
35650. ... and here getting the final processing by a strong hand in the kitchen corner.
35645. Manč
35646. Ula and Tina
35648. Yeti found goulash quite tasty ...
35649. ... and so did Anže.
35651. Chacun à sa chacunière - view of the venue from the west
35652. Žan, as always at the center stage in Članska vas, this time (he was) tricked by Tanja to make an appearance in the southern door.
35653. Relaxed moments : Tanja, Tomaž, Vojc, Marina and Vili
35655. Common columbine, Aquilegia vulgaris, orlica in Slovenian, amidst eagle fern, Pteridium aquilinum, orlova praprot
35654. Slowly the sun was setting behind the vivid beech greenery of a warm late spring day.
Križna jama and Rakov Škocjan Caves, May 24 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 43, May 31
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on May 27, 2017; date of last change: June 3.