Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants and other persons who contributed to the making of these pictures, one way or the other: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Jure Trenz, Tomaž Planina, Renato Verbovšek - René, Jožek Košir - Cox and Herman Brvar.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
35666. Žan and the team have transformed the northern third of the eastern shelter wall into a window for the Veteran's Day, past Saturday.
35669. For the same occasion Žan covered the inner side of the northern door with spruce paneling.
35668. As several members of the excavation team were absent today other duties in Članska vas and in the surroundings were on the agenda. After a detailed inspection of the terrain surface elements in situ there was a vivid discussion how close to the western fault of the Radošca collapsed doline the tunnel we dug actually reached - Mare's hand started at the trail and descended to one of the possible target spots.
35670. A freight train is passing the station which 50 years ago figured as the main transport hub for Lanski vrh caving explorations. As hardly any of the JKLM members had a car, Tomaž Planina being a notable exception, there was a race twice in the day - in the morning to get to the Ljubljana train station on time, and in the evening, to get from Lanski vrh to the depicted place again. Record time was set by René (Renato Verbovšek) - 23 minutes from Škofji lom to the Planina station.
35671. New house built to the west of the now abandoned railway station buildings, by a well-off villager, who also co-inherited the oldest and the most monumental house, Laze 3.
35673. The foot trail from the station to the village is very little used nowadays and is almost completely overgrown ...
35672. ... and so is the northern entrance of the trail tunnel under the Ljubljana - Postojna highway.
35692. A large fern plot to the left of the trail, some 100 m from the southern tunnel entrance, is where the passage to Klojerca Cave, named after Klok and Jerko, begins.
35674. From the rocks, excavated to make the cave shaft passable, Cox, Herman and the guy in the picture built this supporting wall.
35675. View of the entrance from the outside
35676. There is no need for a rope - the descent down the shaft can be done using the chimney climbing technique. In the picture - view out from the first shelf: a bit like Africa, a bit like a sea horse.
35677. The cave entrance was at the side of a small doline at the forest track side, in deep shadow of a large spruce. The latter was felled recently, and to make saw access easier the surrounding hazel bush was cut down first, and, what else, pushed to the side, right above the cave entrance.
35678. So the access to the entrance, now extra well hidden, requires some crawling below the forest undergrowth on the southern side of the doline.
35679. The collapsed doline, the cave entrance is situated below the here depicted northern wall, is now covered with blossoming elder. In the wall above the entrance are two very recent collapses (left and right) sharply contrasting the wall's gray with the orange-brown terra rossa color.
35680. View of the left (western) collapse from inside. A large truckload of rocks fell down.
35684. View of the "dome" in Mala dvorana / Little Hall, front illumination
35685. The same view, side (left and right) illuminated
35687. Samotar / The Loner stalagmite, illuminated from behind ...
35689. ... and from the side
35691. Entrance hall, side view from the inside, available light
35693. The heavy iron stove, so useful in cold winter days, stayed on original earth floor while the rest of the shelter received floor of wooden boards some 20 cm higher. Now the village mayor and chief shelter architect Žan decided to rearrange the shelter furniture along the eastern wall and lift the stove onto boards in level with the rest of the floor. In the picture - Žan and Metod started to move the stove, tilted to the side ...
35694. ... Mare brought two boards ...
35695. ... which will make the sled ...
35696. ... on which the stove can be pushed horizontally to new position.
35697. After the successful stove action it was time for a snack. Metod (center) brought some takeaway turkey and pork Vienna steaks which, together with sausages that Mare (right) brought and cooked, received a warm and immediate attention ... The hand on the left belongs to Jure.
35698. ... while on the other side of the table the mountain spinach (Atriplex hortensis, vrtna loboda in Slovenian) soup with bulgur, cooked and brought by Mare, plus cooked vegetables and its water came into play.
35699. In photographer's absence the second third of the shelter's eastern wall became a window on horizontal ceiling hinges, here seen in closer view with Jure, Mare, Žan and Metod at the table.
35700. Full view of the eastern wall with the hunting tower
Najdena jama / NewFound Cave Veteran's Day, May 27 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 44, June 8
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on June 1, 2017; date of last change: June 8.